68 Chapters
The Lord | 65 1I [am found of them who seek after Me; I give unto all of them that ask of Me][1]; 2[For] I have spread out My hands all day to a people, who walk [not in My ways, and their works are evil and] not good, [and they walk] after their own thoughts. 3The people who continually provoke Me to My face, 4who sit in tombs who eat the flesh of pigs 5Who say, |
Wicked | “Keep to yourself; do not come near me, |
The Lord | These are smoke in My nostrils, 6Behold, it is written before Me, but I will repay, 7both your iniquities |
Isaiah | says the LORD, |
The Lord | “because they burned incense on the mountains and I will measure their former deeds into their bosom.” |
Isaiah | 8Thus the LORD says, |
The Lord | “As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one says, |
Unnamed individual | ‘Do not destroy it, for a blessing is in it,’ |
The Lord | so, I will do for My servants’ sake and not destroy them all. 9And I will bring forth offspring from Jacob My chosen[3] will inherit it, 10And Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, 11But you who forsake the LORD, who set a table for Fortune 12I have destined you to the sword, because I called, but you did not answer; but you did evil in My eyes, |
Isaiah | 13Therefore, thus says the LORD, |
The Lord | “Behold, My servants will eat, Behold, My servants will drink, Behold, My servants will rejoice, 14Behold, My servants will sing with gladness of heart, 15You will leave your name as a curse for My chosen ones, 16So that he who invokes blessings in the land and he who takes an oath in the land because the former troubles are forgotten |
The Lord | 17“For behold, I create new heavens and the former things will not be remembered, 18But rejoice for behold, I create Jerusalem for joy 19I will be joyful in Jerusalem and there will no more be heard in it the sound of weeping, 20[In those days][4] there will not be from there an infant of days, for the child will [not] die [but live to be] a hundred years old; 21They will build houses and inhabit them, 22They will not build and another inhabit; For the days of My people will be like the days of a tree, 23They will not labor in vain for they are the offspring of the blessed of the LORD, 24And it will come to pass, before they call, I will answer; 25The wolf and the lamb will feed together, they will not harm |
Isaiah | says the LORD. |
[1] Bracketed words in verses 1–2 are from JST.
[2] Here am I, here am I. This expression can also be translated, “Behold me, behold me.” “Here am I” is generally uttered by God’s prophets, but here the Lord uses the expression.
[3] “Chosen” can also be translated “elect.” God’s chosen, His servants, are the righteous saints.
[4] Bracketed words in verse 20 are from JST.
68 Chapters
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