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140 Chapters
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In speaking of the Peter Whitmer Sr. log home in Fayette, New York, Elder Orson Pratt declared, “That house will, no doubt, be celebrated for ages to come as the one chosen by the Lord in which to make known the first elements of the organization of His kingdom in the latter days.”[1]
In addition to the organization of the Church in the home on April 6, 1830, there were other significant events associated with the Restoration that occurred in the Peter Whitmer Sr. log home—
In one small room of a log-house, nearly all the Latter-day Saints (East of Ohio) were collected together. They desired the Prophet of the Lord to inquire of God and receive a revelation to guide and instruct the Church that were then present. Brother Joseph seated himself at the table. Brother Sidney Rigdon . . . was requested to act as scribe in writing the revelation from the mouth of the Prophet Joseph.[2]
The revelation received was a call for the Saints to gather to Ohio (D&C 37 and 38).
[1] Orson Pratt, “Experience in Missionary Labors, etc.,” Journal of Discourses 26 vols. (London: Latter-day Saints’ Book Depot, 1855–1886), 12:88.
[2] Orson Pratt, “Union of Spirit and Sentiment—Submission to the Living Oracles of the Church—A confession, etc.,” Journal of Discourses, 7:372.
140 Chapters
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