The Atonement of Jesus Christ: 2 Nephi 9


The Atonement of Jesus Christ: 2 Nephi 9

Book Title

The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure

Publication Type

Book Chapter



Year of Publication




Nyman, Monte S. (Secondary), and Tate, Charles D., Jr. (Secondary)




Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University


Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


There are several passages in the Book of Mormon that especially contribute to our understanding of the Atonement, and these are found primarily in 2 Nephi chapters 2, 9; Mosiah chapter 3; and Alma chapters 12, 34, and 42. The Atonement is repeatedly taught throughout the entire Book of Mormon, but the noted chapters contain the longest and most extensive explanations as to the need for an atonement, its relation to the fall of Adam, why Jesus was the only one qualified to make the necessary sacrifice, and how the Atonement offers mercy and still satisfies the demands of eternal justice. I will focus upon Jacob’s discourse, recorded in 2 Nephi 9, as the basic text, supplemented with information from other chapters that contain the revelations of God on this subject. Because chapter 9 contains other topics ancillary to the Atonement but very much connected with it, this paper will also include them, even though the Atonement is the principal topic. Although the scriptures are the source, I alone am responsible for the interpretation in this paper. I believe that what I have written is correct, but I do not speak for the Church or the University.

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Table of Contents


The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure
Nyman, Monte S.

22 Chapters

Free Agency and Freedom
Oaks, Dallin H. | pp. 1-17
Come to Understanding and Learn Doctrine
Nyman, Monte S. | pp. 19-37
Lehi and the Covenant of the Promised Land: A Modern Appraisal
Parrish, Alan K. | pp. 39-59
Lehi's Last Will and Testament: A Legal Approach
Welch, John W. | pp. 61-82
The Fall of Man and His Redemption
Lund, Gerald N. | pp. 83-106
Lehi on God's Law and an Opposition in All Things
Sorenson, A.D. | pp. 107-132
The Influence of the Brass Plates on the Teachings of Nephi
Millet, Robert L. | pp. 207-225
Nephi, Isaiah, and the Latter-Day Restoration
Farley, S. Brent | pp. 227-239
The Message to the Jews with Special Emphasis on 2 Nephi 25
Ludlow, Daniel H. | pp. 241-257
God Will Fulfill His Covenants with the House of Israel
Gentry, Leland | pp. 159-176
The Lamanite Mark
Turner, Rodney | pp. 133-157
The Atonement of Jesus Christ: 2 Nephi 9
Matthews, Robert J. | pp. 177-199
The Name Jesus Christ Revealed to the Nephites
Brandt, Edward J. | pp. 201-206
We Labor Dilligently to Persuade Our Children to Believe in Christ: 2 Nephi 25:21 to 26:11
Reeve, Rex C., Jr. | pp. 259-267
Nephi's Message to the "Gentiles"
Wilcox, S. Michael | pp. 269-286
The Enemies of Christ: 2 Nephi 28
Largey, Dennis L. | pp. 287-305
The Law of Witnesses in 2 Nephi
Van Orden, Bruce A. | pp. 307-321
Insights from the Early Years: 2 Nephi 28-30
Underwood, Grant | pp. 323-339
Some Key Ingredients for Finding and Understanding the Truth in Science and Religion
Benson, Alvin K. | pp. 341-353
The Doctrine of Christ: 2 Nephi 31-32
Dahl, Larry E. | pp. 355-375
Nephi's Farewell
Garrett, H. Dean | pp. 377-390
The "Expanded" Book of Mormon?
Robinson, Stephen E. | pp. 391-414
Jesus Christ

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