Nephi's Use of Lehi's Record


Nephi's Use of Lehi's Record

Book Title

Rediscovering the Book of Mormon

Publication Type

Book Chapter



Year of Publication



Brown, S. Kent (Primary)


Sorenson, John L. (Secondary), and Thorne, Melvin J. (Secondary)






Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


In many places in the Book of Mormon, the authors refer to writings known to them but not included in the book. One of these is the record of Lehi. Nephi reported that he made “an abridgment of the record of my father” (1 Nephi 1:17), which he included on his own original (large) plates. An English translation of that abridgment was included in the 116 pages of manuscript translation lost by Martin Harris in 1828. Someday we will have that record restored; meanwhile, we can discover some of what it contained because both Nephi and Jacob included parts from it in their records.
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Table of Contents


Rediscovering the Book of Mormon: Insights That You May Have Missed Before
Sorenson, John L.

23 Chapters

Nephi's Use of Lehi's Record
Brown, S. Kent | pp. 3-14
Mormon as Editor
Hardy, Grant R. | pp. 15-28
Mormon's Editorial Promises
Tvedtnes, John A. | pp. 29-31
Colophons in the Book of Mormon
Tvedtnes, John A. | pp. 32-37
Nephi and the Exodus
Terry L. Szink | pp. 38-51
Jacob and His Descendants as Authors
Tanner, John S. | pp. 52-66
The Stealing of the Daughters of the Lamanites
Goff, Alan | pp. 67-74
The Hebrew Background of the Book of Mormon
Tvedtnes, John A. | pp. 77-91
Mourning, Consolation, and Repentance at Nahom
Goff, Alan | pp. 92-99
Poetry in the Book of Mormon
Rust, Richard Dilworth | pp. 100-113
A Masterpiece: Alma 36
Welch, John W. | pp. 114-131
Book of Mormon Imagery
Rust, Richard Dilworth | pp. 132-139
The Image of the Hand of God in the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament
Seely, David Rolph | pp. 140-150
"Means unto Repentance": Unique Book of Mormon Insights into Christ's At-one-ment
England, Eugene | pp. 153-167
The Ways of Remembrance
Midgley, Louis C. | pp. 168-176
Jesus' Covenant Teachings in Third Nephi
Ludlow, Victor L. | pp. 177-185
The Gathering of Israel in the Book of Mormon: A Consistent Pattern
Millet, Robert L. | pp. 186-196
Isaiah-Key to the Book of Mormon
Gileadi, Avraham | pp. 197-206
King, Coronation, and Covenant in Mosiah 1-6
Ricks, Stephen D. | pp. 209-219
Nephi's Political Testament
Reynolds, Noel B. | pp. 220-229
The Covenant Tradition in the Book of Mormon
Ostler, Blake T. | pp. 230-240
Warfare in the Book of Mormon
Hamblin, William J. | pp. 241-248
Seasons of War, Seasons of Peace in the Book of Mormon
Sorenson, John L. | pp. 249-255
Book of Lehi
Lost 116 Pages

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