The Exodus Pattern of the Book of Mormon


The Exodus Pattern of the Book of Mormon

Book Title

From Jerusalem to Zarahemla: Literary and Historical Studies of the Book of Mormon

Publication Type

Book Chapter



Year of Publication



Brown, S. Kent (Primary)




Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University


Provo, UT

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The Israelite deliverance from Egypt serves as a type for several Book of Mormon accounts of deliverance. Book of Mormon authors and teachers such as Nephi, Alma, and Limhi allude to the Exodus and draw parallels with their own experiences. One perceives similarities not only with groups, such as Lehi's family leaving Jerusalem, but also with personal experiences, such as Alma's deliverance from the bondage of sin. The Atonement—an event surpassing the Exodus in the realm of God's miraculous works—also ties to the Exodus, and the Savior's three-day visit to the Americas brims with allusions as well. Connections between Moses and Jesus Christ as deliverers also appear. Noting these bridges, readers can take comfort from both the Exodus narrative and similar experiences that God fulfills his promises.

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King Limhi
Exodus Motif
Nephi (Son of Lehi)
Jerusalem (Old World)
Literary Analysis
Ancient Egypt

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