471 | November 20, 2024

Book of Mormon Evidence: Adverbial Phrases

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The Book of Mormon contains a variety of adverbs ending in -ly. Yet, to an unusual degree for an English text, it also uses adverbial phrases beginning with words like "with" or "in." This tendency suggests a literal translation of Hebraic phrases.

In English, adverbs can perform several functions, the most common of which is to modify verbs. These type of adverbs typically end in the letters -ly. For example, one might say “I ran swiftly” to describe how fast they were moving. This, however, is not the case in Hebrew. 

As Stephen Ricks has observed, “Hebrew is decidedly lacking in adverbs. Instead of adverbs, it frequently uses the prepositions meaning ‘in’ or ‘with,’” typically followed by a noun.1 Thus, using the previous example, in Hebrew one would describe an action by saying “I ran with swiftness.” John Tvedtnes has further noted that the “use of a preposition to produce an adverb is common in Hebrew, and is likewise common in the Book of Mormon.”2 Such adverbial phrases “would reflect the Hebrew proposition b (‘in, with, by, through,’ sometimes ‘of’) plus the noun. The Book of Mormon has many of these, but it contains but few examples of true English adverbs.”3

Adverbial Phrases (Tvedtnes).jpg
John A. Tvedtnes. Image via legacy.com. 

The following list highlights many of the Hebraic adverbial phrases found in the Book of Mormon:


Adverbial Phrases in the Book of Mormon

Analogous Adverbs in Common English

1 Nephi 2:14; Mosiah 3:5; Alma 17:3; Alma 17:36; Alma 43:50; Alma 56:56; Alma 62:45; Helaman 5:17; Mormon 2:3

with power; with great power; with exceedingly great power; with mighty power; with such mighty power; with much power

powerfully; very powerfully

1 Nephi 5:1; 1 Nephi 8:12; 2 Nephi 22:3; Jacob 4:3; Mosiah 3:4; Mosiah 3:13; Mosiah 4:3; Mosiah 4:20; Mosiah 5:4; Mosiah 21:24; Mosiah 21:28; Mosiah 22:14; Mosiah 24:25; Mosiah 25:8; Alma 4:14; Alma 16:17; Alma 16:20; Alma 17:29; Alma 19:13; Alma 19:14; Alma 19:30; Alma 22:15; Alma 32:6; Alma 45:1; Alma 55:9; Alma 57:36; Alma 62:1; 3 Nephi 4:33

with joy; with great joy; with exceedingly great joy; with such exceedingly great joy; with exceeding joy

joyfully; very joyfully

1 Nephi 15:11; 1 Nephi 16:4; 2 Nephi 6:3; Jacob 1:19; Jacob 5:74; Enos 1:12; Alma 21:23; Alma 32:41; Alma 51:9; Alma 51:14; Helaman 15:6; 3 Nephi 5:3; 3 Nephi 6:14

with diligence; with all diligence; with great diligence; with unwearied diligence; with so much diligence

diligently; very diligently

1 Nephi 16:35; 2 Nephi 1:24; Mosiah 21:16; Mosiah 21:17; Alma 60:9; Alma 60:35; 3 Nephi 4:20

with hunger


1 Nephi 18:9

with much rudeness

very rudely

1 Nephi 18:10; Jacob 2:2; Alma 42:31

with soberness; with much soberness

soberly; very soberly

1 Nephi 18:11

with much harshness

very harshly

1 Nephi 18:18; 2 Nephi 1:17; 2 Nephi 1:21; Jacob 4:3; Enos 1:10; Mosiah 21:29; Mosiah 25:9; Mosiah 28:18; Alma 4:8; Alma 8:14; Helaman 7:6; Helaman 7:9; Mormon 2:19

with sorrow; with great sorrow

sorrowfully; very sorrowfully

2 Nephi 1:21; 2 Nephi 28:28; Alma 16:20; Helaman 8:17

with gladness


2 Nephi 1:21

with grief


2 Nephi 3:24; Jacob 3:1; Mosiah 27:14; Helaman 8:15

with faith; with exceeding faith; with much faith

very faithfully

1 Nephi 14:14; 2 Nephi 30:9

with righteousness


2 Nephi 30:9; Alma 10:21;  Helaman 3:20; Helaman 3:37

with equity


Jacob 2:6; Jacob 6:9

with shame


Jacob 4:3

with contempt


Jacob 6:9

with awful guilt

very guiltily

Enos 1:27

with pleasure


Mosiah 7:12; Alma 1:11; Alma 9:7; Alma 18:24; Alma 30:27; 3 Nephi 4:14; Mormon 2:24; Mormon 4:20; Moroni 8:16

with boldness; with much boldness; with exceeding boldness

boldly; very boldly

Mosiah 13:5

with exceeding luster

very lustrously

Mosiah 24:15; Alma 1:25; Alma 26:27; Alma 31:31; Alma 32:41; Alma 38:4

with patience


Alma 17:32

with much swiftness

very swiftly

Mosiah 15:9; Alma 27:4; 3 Nephi 17:6

with compassion


Alma 27:28

with the greatest abhorrence

very abhorrently

Alma 32:37

with much care; with great care

very carefully

2 Nephi 9:46; Alma 2:23; Alma 14:29; Alma 34:37; Alma 44:15; Alma 58:9; Alma 58:29; Helaman 9:30; 3 Nephi 4:9; Mormon 9:27; Ether 3:6; Ether 3:19

with fear; with awful fear; with much fear; with great fear

fearfully; very fearfully

Alma 42:31

with truth


Alma 52:24; Alma 56:52

with vigor; with great vigor

vigorously; very vigorously

Alma 52:33; Alma 52:35; Alma 52:36

with exceeding fury; with such fury

very furiously

Alma 57:34; Alma 58:19

with speed; with great speed

speedily; very speedily

Alma 10:21; Helaman 3:20; Helaman 3:37

with justice


Helaman 3:35

with consolation


Helaman 10:4; Helaman 10:5

with unwearyingness; with such unwearyingness

unwearyingly; very unwearyingly

3 Nephi 8:3

with great earnestness

very earnestly

3 Nephi 20:42

with haste


Ether 12:4

with surety


Moroni 9:4

with sharpness


Other adverbial phrases in the Book of Mormon use words such as “in” or “of,” followed by a noun. Consider the following examples:


Donald W. Parry observed, “Such usage [of adverbial phrases], rather foreign to English if employed frequently (and sometimes unnatural even when used in isolation), suggests a literal translation from Hebrew.”4 While various single-word adverbs ending in -ly can be found in the Book of Mormon text, adverbial phrases are unusually prevalent and may reflect a more word-for-word translation. This is not unlike modern translations of the Bible, which similarly include many adverbial phrases in an effort to preserve its original form. The unusual frequency of the Book of Mormon’s adverbial phrases is just one of many Hebraic features or tendencies that have now been identified in the Book of Mormon.5 

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