The Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, No. V
The Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, No. V
The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star
Publication Type
Magazine Article
Year of Publication
Stevenson, Edward (Primary)
Date Published
12 July 1886
Issue Number
As a witness who sat in the presence of the prophet Joseph and the Three Witnesses, this author presents his accounts of some of the occasions when testimonies were borne. The author states that he was “deeply inspired” as he heard them many times testify of being in the presence of a heavenly messenger who talked with them and showed them the plates. They were shown the Urim and Thummim and told these seer stones were used by ancient prophets. The fifth and final part focuses on David Whitmer.
David Whitmer, the only surviving witness of the three, residing now in Richmond, Ray Co., Missouri, is in the 82nd year of his age. My first acquaintance with him was fifty-three years ago in Michigan, where he with the others related the vision of the angel and the. showing of the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the ball or compass used in the wilderness by the Nephites, as they journeyed from Jerusalem, to guide them through the wilderness to the great waters where they were commanded of the Lord and directed by Him to build barges or ships of a curious workmanship to carry the company over the great water’s as they called them—the ocean—by which they were taken over to America. Hence the American Indians are a remnant of that people, who had dwindled in unbelief and were afterwards discovered by Christopher Columbus. Brother Whitmer said to see these things, and to hear the voice of Heavenly Beings testify to the correct translation of the plates, and commanding them as witnesses to testify of these things to the world was marvelous to them. Nevertheless he knew that he did see and hear in open daylight.
I felt then, although only 13 years of age (and I do more particularly now in my riper years, for I am past 66,) that I was very much favored and blessed of the Lord to see and Hear those men, and to have been favored so much since that time by being in their company so often.
In 1836 I met David Whitmer in Far West, Caldwell Co., Mo., and his testimony was still unchanged. Soon after this Brother David, like many others in those days of trial in the infantile days of the church, (when only a mere handful struggling like youth for manhood, with but few friends and many enemies, but with a noble and fearless prophet to lead who was always cheerful) turned cold. It was in those dark and cloudy days when Brother David’s presence ceased to be known in the front ranks of the Latter-day Saints in their onward march through Illinois and Iowa, and in their pilgrimage onward over the trackless desert plains then only inhabited by wild indians and wolves. This becomes the more interesting when we know that this was predicted and seer by prophets of old and spoken of “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's House shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the Hills; and all Nations shall flow unto it” (Isaiah ii, 2), just as they are doing now and have been doing since 1847. David Whitmer and many others do not see it in this light, nevertheless, the work goes on. At the time of the Missouri troubles Brother David located where he lives now and, thank God, he never has faltered in the trust reposed in him. During the intervening time I Have visited him twice, once nearly nine years ago, when I spent ten hours with him in three sittings, and again last February, when I remained from early breakfast until two p.m.t having dinner with him in those interviews I was pleased to know of the fidelity of the three witnesses, and also to gain many items of their experience, more especially as they were in some respects so favored above their fellows in the present day. It was remarked by them that the masses of the people were instructed by the ministers of the many different churches, that there was no necessity ir this enlightened age of the world for any further vision, or angels, ar new revelation—that they had the good old Bible, the word of God, and anything else was an impostor; that prophets were a delusion; and, further, they said that the people were so steeped in this belief as to imagine all they had to do nowadays, was to believe in the lord Jesus Christ and they were saved—so much so that the people were led to disbelieve the testimony of the three witnesses, although the Bible was so plain or those points. They quoted to me in proof very many passages of Scripture, as also passages in support of their claim that they had been called of God by the angel which brought back the long lost gospel to Joseph Smith, with power to organize Twelve Apostles and Seventies and Elders just as they existed when Jesus Christ left the Church and ascended on High: “First apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings,” etc (1 Cor. xii, 28). And also in the same chapter where Paul writes; “For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body (only one church), whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one spirit.” The three witnesses only claimed to be witnesses whom the Lord raised up in support of the restored gospel to Joseph Smith, that this generation might Be left without excuse.
David Whitmer’s experience in the outset as a witness was somewhat different from that of the other two. On the morning of the Sunday that he was called to be one of the witnesses, he went into his field to plow, and while so doing he heard a voice and saw a personage who said, “Blessed is the name of the Lord, and they who keep his commandments.” Soon after this the Prophet Joseph came to him, calling him to go with him and Oliver Cowdery to be one of the three witnesses. Ho fastened his team to a fence, and they proceeded through a clearing to the edge of the woods and then sat upon a log. They were speaking regarding the great work of the Lord, when a bright light shone around them which increased in lustre until an angel stood before them. Then David said the angel took the book of plates and turned over leaf after leaf, except a portion which was sealed by rings of gold yet translated, but to yet be translated in the due time of the Lord. The angel, he said, proclaimed that the translation from those plates into the Book of Mormon was correct, and had been done by the power of God, and that they were chosen to be especial witnesses of the same, and of the vision to all the world as found recorded in the fore part of the Book of Mormon.
I have not known of the testimony of either of these three witnesses being impeached, but on the contrary, their word in a business transaction would pass anywhere. David Whitmer was elected and served as Mayor of Richmond, where he resides, and is esteemed as a fine old gentlemen to this day, and during his severe sickness last winter, which was near unto death’s door, his fellow townsmen often called to hear of his condition. Notwithstanding the fact that all of these men have been indifferent to the advanced work, and after putting their hand to the plow have looked back, they never have ceased to bear this testimony and always have stood by their word; and, as they have said, never have they doubted. Two out of the three have returned to the Church acknowledging the continuation of the work, and have died in full faith and hope of the thorough accomplishment of the work of God, until, as wise Daniel has proclaimed, it will universally cover the whole earth, and until Jesus shall reign as King of kings on this earth, and that they, with all who obey this Gospel, will reign on the earth 1,000 years, and that the closing of the 6,000 years is near, even at our doors. To my knowledge they have testified to this, and in my last conversation with David he said the time and hour of God’s judgment was now begun, and would progress until the Savior would come.
My last visit with David was enjoyed exceedingly. Although he was very feeble, yet he was strong in his testimony, and is delighted to exhibit the manuscript copy of the Book of Mormon, and the copy of characters exhibited to Professor Anthon.
Edward Stevenson.
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