The Book of Mormon Witnesses and Their Challenge to Secularism


The Book of Mormon Witnesses and Their Challenge to Secularism

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication




Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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There has been much comment recently on the growth in numbers of the religious “nones.” Not all of them are actually non-theists, but secularism or naturalism is undoubtedly on the rise — and Latter-day Saints have not escaped damage from the trend. Several recent books and articles have sought to help their readers live with doubt, cope with uncertainty, or find value or joy in the Mormon community even when some, most, or perhaps even all of its founding narrative has come to seem untenable. I believe, however, that naturalism should be directly challenged and that the Book of Mormon is among our best tools for doing so. And the Witnesses to the Book of Mormon are, in turn, some of our best evidences for its truth — and the only “secular” evidence that the Lord himself has provided.

Eight Witnesses
Three Witnesses

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