Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 27 (2017)


Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 27 (2017)

Publication Type


Year of Publication






The Interpreter Foundation

Place Published

Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


This is volume 27 of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including: "The Book of Mormon Witnesses and Their Challenge to Secularism", "Their Imperfect Best: Isaianic Authorship from an LDS Perspective", "'I Kneeled Down Before My Maker': Allusions to Esau in the Book of Enos", "Two New Studies of Biblical Repentance", "A Modern Translation of Genesis 1–11 in the Traditional Sense", "'How long can rolling waters remain impure?': Literary Aspects of the Doctrine and Covenants", "Gazelem the Jaredite", "Should We Apologize for Apologetics?", "Marjorie Newton on 'The Mormons in Australia' — A Retrospective Review", "The Divine Council in the Hebrew Bible and the Book of Mormon", "Miracles in the Book of Mormon", "Barlow on Book of Mormon Language: An Examination of Some Strained Grammar", "'He Did Go About Secretly': Additional Thoughts on the Literary Use of Alma’s Name", "Janus Parallelism in the Book of Job: A Review of Scott B. Noegel’s Work", "An Important Year in History", "Heralding a New Age of Book of Mormon Scholarship", "Jacob’s Protector", "Christmastime: When Our Souls Can Sing."

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