22 Chapters
Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem

Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem
Publication Type
Year of Publication
Welch, John W. (Secondary), Seely, David Rolph (Secondary), and Seely, Jo Ann H. (Secondary)
Number of Pages
Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies
Provo, UT
Imagine Jerusalem around 600 BC, the world of Lehi, Sariah, Laban, Zoram, Josiah, and Jeremiah. How did people live? What motivated them? And what eventually destroyed their city? The answers to such questions foster better understanding of the prophetic words of Lehi, Nephi, and Jacob in the Book of Mormon.
Much of that era was lost forever when Jerusalem met its prophesied fate and was destroyed by the Babylonians. The Temple of Solomon and the city walls were torn down, buildings burned, treasuries looted, people killed or deported, records lost or destroyed, and certain religious beliefs changed or extinguished. Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem offers modern readers a vivid look at revealing events in a crucial quarter century in world history. Nineteen distinguished scholars unite their expertise in varied disciplines to discuss what is known about Jerusalem around 600 BC, an axial period that shaped the contours of civilizations—including those depicted in the Book of Mormon—for centuries to come.
Ranging in coverage from aspects of ordinary domestic life to extraordinary religious institutions, the topics undertaken in this book shed light on politics, culture, archaeology, women, agriculture, literacy, law, history, prophecy, and religion in ancient Jerusalem from the vantage points of Israel, Egypt, Babylon, and Arabia.
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