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Joseph Smith received Doctrine and Covenants 29 in September 1829. The only background provided directly for this revelation was given by Church historian John Whitmer, who recorded the revelation along with the introduction. Whitmer said that it was given “to six elders of the Church and three members” and further noted that this small group “understood from Holy Writ that the time had come that the People of God should see eye to eye.” Whitmer also mentions that the six elders were “seeing somewhat different upon the death of Adam (that is his transgression)” and “therefore they made it a subject of prayer and enquired of the Lord and thus came the word of the Lord through Joseph the seer.”1
It is likely that the six elders were influenced by Joseph Smith’s work to translate the Bible, which commenced in June 1830 and continued over the remainder of the summer. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery purchased a large Cooperstown Bible from E. B. Grandin for $3.75 the year before, on October 8, 1829, while the Book of Mormon was still in production. On the inside cover, they labeled the Bible “The Book of the Jews and the prophecy of.”2 In a July 1830 revelation given to Joseph hinted at a new work of translation when Joseph was exhorted to write “the things which shall be given thee by the Comforter, and expounding all scriptures unto the church” (D&C 24:5). In a revelation given the same month to Emma Smith, she was told to “be unto him for a scribe, while there is no one to be a scribe for him, that I may send my servant Oliver Cowdery, withersoever I will” (D&C 25:6), implying a new work similar to the translation of the Book of Mormon.
During the summer and fall of 1830, Joseph commenced this new translation project. Of the translation project, The Prophet saw his translation as an inspired revision that included restoration by revelation of missing texts. It also included grammatical and linguistic changes, and in other places elaborations or clarifications on doctrine. Joseph made the most extensive changes to the Book of Genesis, but the work was expansive. By the time the first cycle of translation was completed in 1833, he had revised more than three thousand verses, adding phrases, verses, and even new chapters to the Bible.3
Nearly two-thirds of the Doctrine and Covenants was received between June 1831 and July 2, 1833, when Joseph and his scribes completed the first round of translation. Doctrine and Covenants 29 is the earliest section that appears to be directly linked to the biblical translation project. Other doctrinally rich revelations such as sections 37, 45, 73, 76, 77, 86, 91, and 132 are also linked directly to the project.4
Though we do not possess precise information, it is likely that Joseph Smith had finished Genesis 1–3 by September 1830, resulting in what is now Moses 1–4 in the scriptural canon. John Whitmer’s introduction to the section notes that the elders were “seeing somewhat different upon the death of Adam (that is his transgression) therefore they made it the subject of prayer and enquired of the Lord.5 Moses 1–4 and Doctrine and Covenants 29 both discuss the spiritual and temporal creation of the earth, Satan’s rebellion and the war in heaven, and the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. These two documents should be considered together for the greatest understanding. As Robert J. Matthews noted, “The Doctrine and Covenants and it its relationship with the Joseph Smith Translation . . . are not two entirely separate books. They are interwoven.”6
See Historical Introduction, Revelation, September 1830-A, JSP.
1 Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, the Great I Am, whose arm of mercy hath atoned for your sins;
2 Who will gather his people even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, even as many as will hearken to my voice and humble themselves before me, and call upon me in mighty prayer.
3 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, that at this time your sins are forgiven you, therefore ye receive these things; but remember to sin no more, lest perils shall come upon you.
4 Verily, I say unto you that ye are chosen out of the world to declare my gospel with the sound of rejoicing, as with the voice of a trump.
5 Lift up your hearts and be glad, for I am in your midst, and am your advocate with the Father; and it is his good will to give you the kingdom.
6 And, as it is written—Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive.
7 And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their ehearts;
8 Wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked.
With the foundations of the Church in place, the Lord turned the attention to the gathering of Israel. The Lord emphasized to the leaders of the Church the importance of beginning the gathering of his elect, and Oliver Cowdery was called to organize the first official mission of the Church. The concept of election is complex and at times means different things in different passages of scripture. The Book of Mormon speaks of leaders “being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works” (Alma 13:3). Likewise, the writings of the Apostle Peter spoke of those who are “elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father” (1 Peter 1:2).
Doctrine and Covenants 29 adds that the elect hear the Lord’s voice and “harden not their hearts” (D&C 29:7). While God knows all things, personal choices are the most important factor in becoming one of the elect. The elect of God are designated as God’s servants on earth. Often they are the literal descendants of faithful men and women like Abraham and Sarah, though anyone can choose to be a part of this royal family. As President Russell M. Nelson taught, “Some of us are the literal seed of Abraham; others are gathered into his family by adoption. The Lord makes no distinction. Together we receive these promised blessings—if we seek the Lord and obey His commandments.”7
9 For the hour is nigh and the day soon at hand when the earth is ripe; and all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble; and I will burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that wickedness shall not be upon the earth;
10 For the hour is nigh, and that which was spoken by mine apostles must be fulfilled; for as they spoke so shall it come to pass;
11 For I will reveal myself from heaven with power and great glory, with all the hosts thereof, and dwell in righteousness with men on earth a thousand years, and the wicked shall not stand.
12 And again, verily, verily, I say unto you, and it hath gone forth in a firm decree, by the will of the Father, that mine apostles, the Twelve which were with me in my ministry at Jerusalem, shall stand at my right hand at the day of my coming in a pillar of fire, being clothed with robes of righteousness, with crowns upon their heads, in glory even as I am, to judge the whole house of Israel, even as many as have loved me and kept my commandments, and none else.
13 For a trump shall sound both long and loud, even as upon Mount Sinai, and all the earth shall quake, and they shall come forth—yea, even the dead which died in me, to receive a crown of righteousness, and to be clothed upon, even as I am, to be with me, that we may be one.
Both the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants emphasize the importance of the Twelve Apostles who served with Jesus Christ in and around Jerusalem. In the opening chapter of the Book of Mormon, Lehi sees in vision the Savior descending out of heaven followed by “twelve others” whose “brightness did exceed that of the stars in the firmament” (1 Nephi 1:9). Later, Nephi is given a vision of the Savior’s ministry and beholds the Twelve serving alongside the Lord (1 Nephi 11:29). Nephi also beheld the wicked multitudes of the earth gathered together to “fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb” (1 Nephi 11:34–35). Nephi also taught that the Jerusalem Twelve would judge the entire house of Israel, with twelve ministers called from among the Nephites to assist in judging Nephi’s descendants (1 Nephi 12:9–10; Mormon 3:17–19).
The Savior likewise informed the Jerusalem Twelve that at the time of the Second Coming they would “sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matthew 19:28). The Jerusalem Twelve and the Nephite Twelve are part of a hierarchy of judges assigned to judge the house of Israel. A later revelation to Joseph Smith revealed that they will serve under the direction of Michael (Adam), who has the keys of salvation and serves under the direction of Jesus Christ (D&C 78:16).
Commenting on this principle, President John Taylor taught: “This exhibits a principle of adjudication or judgment in the hands, firstly, of the Great High Priest and King, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God; secondly, in the hands of the Twelve Apostles on the continent of Asia, bestowed by Jesus Himself; thirdly, in the Twelve Disciples on this continent, to their peoples, who it appears are under the presidency of the Twelve Apostles who ministered at Jerusalem; which presidency is also exhibited by Peter, James and John, the acknowledged presidency of the Twelve Apostles; they, holding this Priesthood first on the earth, and then in the heavens, being the legitimate custodians of the keys of the Priesthood, came and bestowed it upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.”
President Taylor continued, “It is also further stated that the Saints shall judge the world. Thus Christ is at the head, his apostles and disciples seem to take the next prominent part; then comes the action of the Saints, or other branches of the Priesthood, who it is stated shall judge the world. This combined Priesthood, it would appear, will hold the destiny of the human family in their hands and adjudicate in all matters pertaining to their affairs.”8
14 But, behold, I say unto you that before this great day shall come the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall be turned into blood, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and there shall be greater signs in heaven above and in the earth beneath;
15 And there shall be weeping and wailing among the hosts of men;
16 And there shall be a great hailstorm sent forth to destroy the crops of the earth.
17 And it shall come to pass, because of the wickedness of the world, that I will take vengeance upon the wicked, for they will not repent; for the cup of mine indignation is full; for behold, my blood shall not cleanse them if they hear me not.
18 Wherefore, I the Lord God will send forth flies upon the face of the earth, which shall take hold of the inhabitants thereof, and shall eat their flesh, and shall cause maggots to come in upon them;
19 And their tongues shall be stayed that they shall not utter against me; and their flesh shall fall from off their bones, and their eyes from their sockets;
20 And it shall come to pass that the beasts of the forest and the fowls of the air shall devour them up.
21 And the great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall be cast down by devouring fire, according as it is spoken by the mouth of Ezekiel the prophet, who spoke of these things, which have not come to pass but surely must, as I live, for abominations shall not reign.
The descriptions given here of the conditions leading up to the Second Coming are chilling. How many of these calamities are caused by humans and how many are sent by the hand of providence is unknown. In a discourse given in 1839, Joseph Smith declared: “I will prophecy that the signs of the coming of the Son of man are already commenced, one pestilence will desolate after another. We shall soon have war and bloodshed, the moon will be turned to blood. I testify of these things and that the coming of the Son of man is nigh, even at your very doors. If our souls and our bodies are not looking forth for the coming of the Son of man and after we are dead if we are not looking forth we shall be among those who are calling for the rocks to fall upon us.”9
In a similar vein, President Wilford Woodruff taught, “No man can contemplate the truth concerning the nations of the earth without sorrow, when he sees the wailing, mourning, and death that will come in consequence of judgments, plagues, and war. It has already begun, and it will continue to multiply and increase until the scene is ended and wound up.” He continued, “Do I delight in the destruction of the children of men? No. Does the Lord? No. He gives them timely warning, and if they do not listen to his counsel, they must suffer the consequences of their wicked acts.”10
22 And again, verily, verily, I say unto you that when the thousand years are ended, and men again begin to deny their God, then will I spare the earth but for a little season;
23 And the end shall come, and the heaven and the earth shall be consumed and pass away, and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth.
24 For all old things shall pass away, and all things shall become new, even the heaven and the earth, and all the fulness thereof, both men and beasts, the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea;
25 And not one hair, neither mote, shall be lost, for it is the workmanship of mine hand.
26 But, behold, verily I say unto you, before the earth shall pass away, Michael, mine archangel, shall sound his trump, and then shall all the dead awake, for their graves shall be opened, and they shall come forth—yea, even all.
27 And the righteous shall be gathered on my right hand unto eternal life; and the wicked on my left hand will I be ashamed to own before the Father;
28 Wherefore I will say unto them—Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
In contrast to the horrific events described in verses 15–21, here the Lord describes the renewal of all things at the end of the Millennium. The work of Jesus Christ resurrects and renews not only the physical bodies of men and women but also the entire ecosystem they exist in. All things are renewed, including plants, animals, and all other works of the hand of God. In a later revelation, the Lord declares, “The earth abideth the law of a celestial kingdom, for it filleth the measure of its creation, and transgresseth not the law—Wherefore, it shall be sanctified; yea, notwithstanding it shall die, it shall be quickened again, and shall abide the power by which it is quickened, and the righteous shall inherit it” (D&C 88:25–26).
Elder Parley P. Pratt built upon this concept when he taught, “A new heaven and a new earth are promised by the sacred writers. Or, in other words, the planetary systems are to be changed, purified, refined, exalted, and glorified, in the similitude of the resurrection, by which all physical evil or imperfections will be done away.”11 Joseph Smith likewise taught that “this earth will be rolled back into the presence of God and crowned with Celestial Glory.”12 The work of Jesus Christ is not just to save mankind but to bring salvation to the very world we live in.
29 And now, behold, I say unto you, never at any time have I declared from mine own mouth that they should return, for where I am they cannot come, for they have no power.
30 But remember that all my judgments are not given unto men; and as the words have gone forth out of my mouth even so shall they be fulfilled, that the first shall be last, and that the last shall be first in all things whatsoever I have created by the word of my power, which is the power of my Spirit.
31 For by the power of my Spirit created I them; yea, all things both spiritual and temporal—
32 First spiritual, secondly temporal, which is the beginning of my work; and again, first temporal, and secondly spiritual, which is the last of my work—
33 Speaking unto you that you may naturally understand; but unto myself my works have no end, neither beginning; but it is given unto you that ye may understand, because ye have asked it of me and are agreed.
34 Wherefore, verily I say unto you that all things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal; neither any man, nor the children of men; neither Adam, your father, whom I created.
35 Behold, I gave unto him that he should be an agent unto himself; and I gave unto him commandment, but no temporal commandment gave I unto him, for my commandments are spiritual; they are not natural nor temporal, neither carnal nor sensual.
At times there is a tendency to create a contrast between the spiritual and the temporal. Spiritual affairs are taken care of by religion, while temporal affairs are best handled separately by governments, communities, or families. However, the Lord here instructs that there is no distinction between temporal and spiritual commandments (D&C 29:35). Commandments like the Word of Wisdom or the law of tithing might seem to be concerned with only our physical or financial welfare. But every commandment has spiritual components to it, and a person who disregards the Lord’s law of health suffers both physically and spiritually. In fact, many of the revelations given to Joseph Smith and his prophetic successors concern temporal affairs.
Because of this lack of distinction between temporal and spiritual concerns, the Church deeply involves itself in temporal concerns. President Howard W. Hunter explained:
There are some who ask why the Church is concerned with temporal affairs. The Church is interested in the welfare of each of its members. This interest therefore cannot be limited to man’s spiritual needs alone but extends to every phase of his life. Social and economic needs are important to everyone. Man also has need for physical, mental, and moral guidance. Our lives cannot be one-sided, nor can we separate the spiritual from the temporal. . . . The Lord makes no distinction between temporal and spiritual commandments, for he has said that all of his commandments are spiritual. When we understand the plan of life and salvation this becomes evident to us. Mortality is just one part of our eternal life.13
36 And it came to pass that Adam, being tempted of the devil—for, behold, the devil was before Adam, for he rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor, which is my power; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency;
37 And they were thrust down, and thus came the devil and his angels;
38 And, behold, there is a place prepared for them from the beginning, which place is hell.
39 And it must needs be that the devil should tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents unto themselves; for if they never should have bitter they could not know the sweet.
This part of the revelation is parallel with Moses 4:1–4, which was received around the same time. Both passages add important backstory to the drama that unfolded in the Garden of Eden, underlining the motivating cause in Satan’s actions against humankind. Lucifer was involved in a war that he could not win and instead sought to destroy the agency of men and women. The book of Moses reads, “Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down; And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice” (Moses 4:3–4).
In Joseph Smith’s time, the word agency was defined as “the quality of moving or of exerting power; the state of being in action; operation; instrumentality.”14 According to this definition, Satan sought more than just limiting our choice; he sought to limit our very power to act, to do anything of meaning as individuals. It is commonly taught in the Church that Satan’s plan was to force everyone to be righteous, but forced righteousness is a philosophical impossibility. If a person has to be forced to do something right, it is not an act of righteousness (Moroni 7:5–7). How, then, did Satan seek to destroy our agency?
Discussing the way Satan can destroy a person’s agency, Elder Paul V. Johnson taught: “Satan tried to destroy agency. Our Heavenly Father wouldn’t allow it and cast him out. Satan now deceives and blinds men, and he leads them captive at his will. If he is leading people captive, doesn’t that sound like he is destroying agency? The fact is, he couldn’t destroy agency in the pre-earth life, and he can’t do it now either. But he leads us captive by enticing us to sin. When we sin, we subject ourselves to him. We, in effect, give part of our agency to him. He can’t take it from us, but we can relinquish it.”15
Thus, Satan’s power to destroy agency comes entirely from our willingness to submit to him.
According to D&C 29:36 a third part of the hosts of heaven chose to follow Satan. These fallen hosts will endure the same fate as Satan, with later revelations stating, “These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—And the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power; Yea, verily, the only ones who shall not be redeemed in the due time of the Lord, after the sufferings of his wrath” (D&C 76:36–38).
40 Wherefore, it came to pass that the devil tempted Adam, and he partook of the forbidden fruit and transgressed the commandment, wherein he became subject to the will of the devil, because he yielded unto temptation.
41 Wherefore, I, the Lord God, caused that he should be cast out from the Garden of Eden, from my presence, because of his transgression, wherein he became spiritually dead, which is the first death, even that same death which is the last death, which is spiritual, which shall be pronounced upon the wicked when I shall say: Depart, ye cursed.
42 But, behold, I say unto you that I, the Lord God, gave unto Adam and unto his seed, that they should not die as to the temporal death, until I, the Lord God, should send forth angels to declare unto them repentance and redemption, through faith on the name of mine Only Begotten Son.
43 And thus did I, the Lord God, appoint unto man the days of his probation—that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe;
44 And they that believe not unto eternal damnation; for they cannot be redeemed from their spiritual fall, because they repent not;
45 For they love darkness rather than light, and their deeds are evil, and they receive their wages of whom they list to obey.
The Joseph Smith Translation of the book of Genesis restores an important passage relating to the Fall of Adam and Eve. After being cast out of the garden, Adam and Eve were not left hopeless. An angel appeared to them, explaining that the sacrifices they had been commanded to perform were “a similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father, which is full of grace and truth” (Moses 5:7). The atoning sacrifice and work of Jesus Christ changes death from an ending into a door leading to immortality and eternal life for all men and women.
Instead of being left with an unknown fate, Adam and Eve were taught of the plan prepared for them and their children to choose eternal life. The book of Moses records, “And in that day Adam blessed God and was filled, and began to prophesy concerning all the families of the earth, saying: Blessed be the name of God, for because of my transgression my eyes are opened, and in this life I shall have joy, and again in the flesh I shall see God” (Moses 5:10). The testimony of Eve is also restored and proclaimed to the world: “And Eve, his wife, heard all these things and was glad, saying: Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient” (Moses 5:11).
The revelations of the Restoration reestablish the Fall of Adam and Eve not as a tragedy but as a critical step forward in the great plan of happiness. They also serve to repair the reputation and emphasize the importance of our first parents. President Dallin H. Oaks taught, “It was Eve who first transgressed the limits of Eden in order to initiate the conditions of mortality. Her act, whatever its nature, was formally a transgression but eternally a glorious necessity to open the doorway toward eternal life. Adam showed his wisdom by doing the same. And thus Eve and ‘Adam fell that men might be’ (2 Nephi 2:25).”16
46 But behold, I say unto you, that little children are redeemed from the foundation of the world through mine Only Begotten;
47 Wherefore, they cannot sin, for power is not given unto Satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before me;
48 For it is given unto them even as I will, according to mine own pleasure, that great things may be required at the hand of their fathers.
49 And, again, I say unto you, that whoso having knowledge, have I not commanded to repent?
50 And he that hath no understanding, it remaineth in me to do according as it is written. And now I declare no more unto you at this time. Amen.
At the conclusion of this revelation, the Lord speaks to the special status of two groups of people in mortality: little children and “he that hath no understanding” (D&C 29:50). The Savior taught this same principle in Moroni, declaring that Jesus Christ atones for transgressions of the law committed by little children (Moroni 8:8). A later revelation to Joseph Smith clarified that “all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven” (D&C 137:10).
Those who “hath no understanding” may include individuals with mental or physical disabilities that affect their level of accountability. Determining a person’s accountability is best left to the Lord Himself. In the meantime, Church members are under an obligation to assist those who have disabilities in understanding and obtaining the blessings of the gospel. Joseph Smith taught, “All the spirits that God ever sent into the world are susceptible of enlargement.”17 More recently, Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé has taught, “God would indeed be unjust if the gospel were only accessible to an intellectual elite. In His goodness, He has ensured that the truths regarding God are understandable to all His children, whatever their level of education or intellectual faculty.”18
72 Chapters
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