Beginning the Nauvoo Temple/Laying the Foundation — Reflections on the Sixth of April


Beginning the Nauvoo Temple/Laying the Foundation — Reflections on the Sixth of April

Book Title

Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse

Publication Type

Book Chapter



Year of Publication






Time-Lines Etc.


Orem, UT

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Items in the BMC Archive are made publicly available for non-commercial, private use. Inclusion within the BMC Archive does not imply endorsement. Items do not represent the official views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or of Book of Mormon Central.

Bibliographic Citation

Table of Contents


Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse
Anderson, Sharon Price

25 Chapters

Joseph Smith's Ancestry/"Uncommon Man"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 3-6
Sharon, Vermont/"Birthplace"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 7-9
Lucy Mack Smith/"Where Lucy Goes"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 10-14
The Smith Family Moves to Palmyra/"Whence This Stranger?"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 14-16
The First Vision/"Fourteen is Young"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 17-20
Moroni Delivers the Plates/"Feast of Trumpets"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 21-23
Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood/"Near Harmony"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 24-26
Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood/"Ordained"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 27-30
Organization of the Church/"Clear as the Sun—Fair as the Moon"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 31-35
The Prophet is Tarred and Feathered/"Feathers Flying"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 36-39
Joseph's Mission to Canada/"Who Will Listen?"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 40-42
Zion's Camp/"Marching to Missouri"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 43-46
Emma Entertains in Kirtland/"Emma's Table"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 47-49
Visions in the Kirtland Temple/"Keys in Kirtland"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 50-54
Adam-ondi-Ahman/"Northeast of Eden"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 55-57
Liberty Jail: Winter 1838-1839/"In This Moment"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 58-61
Converts Gather from the British Isles/"Sailing from Liverpool"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 62-65
William W. Phelps Is Welcomed Back into the Church/"Brother William"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 66-69
Beginning the Nauvoo Temple/Laying the Foundation — Reflections on the Sixth of April
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 70-73
Joseph and Emma's Children/"Small Graves"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 74-76
Joseph and Emma Sealed for Eternity
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 77-79
The Martyrdom/"Offering in June"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 80-84
Brigham Young Succeeds Joseph/"Mantle of the Prophet"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 85-88
The Work Continues/"On Nauvoo's Hill"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 89-93
Epilogue/"Focused on Eternity"
Anderson, Sharon Price | pp. 94-95
Nauvoo Temple

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