Event | 2016
Moroni Day 2016

Moroni Day 2016
On September 22, 1827,
the Angel Moroni gave the Prophet Joseph Smith
a set of plates having the appearance of gold.
The plates’ eternal value
far exceeded their price as precious metal
or pre-Columbian cultural artifact.
Couldn't Attend Moroni Day?
Check Out our Upcoming Projects!
As part of Moroni Day, Book of Mormon Central showcased our current projects, as well as ones that are in development.
With your help these exciting projects will help us change the world with the Book of Mormon.
If you have enjoyed using Book of Mormon Central for your studying or teaching needs, considering donating and becoming part of this exciting movement.
Interactive Text
Book of Mormon Central wants to bring the world of the Book of Mormon to your fingertips. In a completely interactive, content-rich mobile app, we want to completely rethink how we study the Book of Mormon. By touching a verse, phrase, or even word in the Book of Mormon text, you can pull up relevant articles, images, videos, maps, and insights to enrich your study. With a page-like feel, you can study the Book of Mormon as if you're reading your hard-copy of the scriptures, to enhance reading comprehension and memory. In this app, you can navigate by chapter, take notes, review textual variants, highlight important passages, and read all the latest scholarship on a given scripture in the Book of Mormon. This comprehensive and large-scale app will require extensive funding, but your donation can help us achieve our goal of changing the study of the Book of Mormon.
International Outreach
Book of Mormon Central has tens of thousands of followers and subscribers on our various social media and internet channels, but our reach outside of English-speaking populations is minimal. We hope to reach the ever-expanding populations of Latter-day Saints in non-English speaking countries. In order to reach the world, we need to translate our vast body of content into various languages and dialects. We have begun translating some material into Portuguese and Spanish, but your donation could help us further our reach. While Spanish and Portuguese make up a large part of non-English speaking Latter-day Saints, there are thousands upon thousands of Latter-day Saints across the globe who are left without uplifting Church and scripture materials because their languages are in the minority and often take a lower priority. Help us reach the world by donating to our International Outreach project.
Influencer's Campaign
While our following is increasing every day, we want the world to know about Book of Mormon Central and all the study resources we have to offer. We are launching an Influencer's Campaign, where we recruit influential members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to share their thoughts on Book of Mormon Central. We recently recorded a testimonial from Steve Young, renowned quarterback on the NFL, who praised Book of Mormon Central for making him feel "like an expert" in the Book of Mormon. This video became highly popular on social media, and we believe that as we search out more influential voices, we can broaden our reach and touch lives with the Book of Mormon.
Chiasmus Day 2017
August 16th, 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the discovery of Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon. Chiasmus is a poetic, Hebrew literary device that repeats phrases and words in reverse order of its original telling, and emphasizes the central part of the literary structure. See our KnoWhys on Chiasmus for more details. John W. Welch discovered this poetic feature in the Book of Mormon while on his mission in Germany. This discovery has since shed more light on the ancient origins of the Book of Mormon. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, Book of Mormon Central seeks to hold a 2017 conference on Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon, and in other literature throughout history. This conference will bring in the top scholars on chiasmus, and will help bring the serious study of Chiasmus to the forefront of scholarship.
Event Info
Friday, September 23, 2016
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Joseph Smith Memorial Building, Bonneville Room
15 E S Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84150
Printable PDF:
Moroni Day Postcard.pdf
RSVP and Questions
Nicole Shepard
Kirk Magleby