Event | 2016
Book of Mormon Day

Celebrate with Us on March 26

The members of The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints are often called Mormons. That's because of a book of scripture they read in addition to the Holy Bible, called The Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon is a record of prophets who lived among some people on the ancient American continent. These prophets kept records of their historical events and spiritual experiences that occurred between the years of 3100 BC and 421 AD.
The Book of Mormon contains prophecies and testimonies about Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. In fact, Christ Himself visited the Book of Mormon peoples after His crucifixion and resurrection. They are the "other sheep" Christ spoke to His apostles about, as recorded in John 10:16.

The first edition of the Book of Mormon was published in English on March 26, 1830. Since then the Book of Mormon has been translated into 110 languages, and more than 170 million copies have been printed. Mormons believe that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are complementary books of scripture, both testifying of the mission and Messiahship of Jesus Christ and God’s plan for mankind.

This year on March 26, 2016, we’d like to invite you to celebrate the International Day of the Book of Mormon, or Book of Mormon Day (#BoMDay). Here you can find quote images where millions of Mormons have shared things they have learned from this book. Here you can watch a short video of people sharing what they have learned in their own languages. And here you can find the Book of Mormon challenge, which you can participate in through social media. Our hope is that you will understand why Mormons cherish the Book of Mormon along with the Bible as the word of God.

As part of Book of Mormon Day 2016, Book of Mormon Central is sponsoring an art contest.
- First prize: $500
- Second prize: $350
- Third prize:$200
Depict some aspect of the Book of Mormon in the medium of your choice and submit it to
before midnight on Saturday, March 26, 2016.