Aquel Dia


Aquel Dia

Publication Type


Year of Publication



Art Contest

2019 Art Contest Gallery

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Items in the BMC Archive are made publicly available for non-commercial, private use. Inclusion within the BMC Archive does not imply endorsement. Items do not represent the official views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or of Book of Mormon Central.

Bibliographic Citation


This piece was an entry in the Youth Category in the 2019 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest and received an Honorable Mention.

"Al crear esta obra, fui guiado por el espíritu hasta seleccionar los versículos del capitulo 12 de segundo de Nefi, sentí una fuerte impresión de tener que interpretar el fulguroso día de Su Segunda Venida. Imagine una fuerte oscuridad en las personas reflejadas en sus hogares, y como Cristo llega iluminando todo a su paso, tanto en entendimiento como en poder.

(In creating this work, I was guided by the spirit to select the verses of the second chapter of Nephi, I felt a strong impression of having to interpret the fulgurous day of His Second Coming. I imagined a strong darkness in the people reflected in their homes, and how Christ comes enlightening everything in its path, both in understanding and in power.)
Second Coming

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