Introduction to a Study of the Book of Mormon: Prepared Especially for Use in the Schools of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Introduction to a Study of the Book of Mormon: Prepared Especially for Use in the Schools of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication Type
Year of Publication
Smith, Joseph, Jr. (Primary)
Roberts, B.H. (Secondary)
General Church Board of Education
Place Published
Salt Lake City
Publication Language
The following historical matter written by the Prophet Joseph Smith himself is taken by permission of President Joseph F. Smith from the opening chapters of the History of the Church, Volume I. The explanatory notes and comments are by Elder B. H. Roberts, compiler of the History of the Church. It is republished here, with a brief analysis following each chapter, with a view to facilitating a proper understanding of the Book of Mormon. The general pedagogic aim is two-fold; first, to create in the hearts of the students a profound sense of admiration, reverence, and love for the Prophet Joseph Smith; and second, to create a desire to know what the Book of Mormon contains.Subject Keywords
Early Church History
Harris, Martin
Eight Witnesses
Three Witnesses
Book of Mormon
Angel Moroni
Smith, Joseph, Jr.
Whitmer, David
Cowdery, Oliver
Bibliographic Citation
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