Chapter 31: Alma 36–39
Chapter 31: Alma 36–39
Manual Title
Book of Mormon Student Manual
Publication Type
Manual Lesson
Year of Publication
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Corporate/Institutional)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Place Published
Salt Lake City
Alma 36–39 contains Alma’s final counsel to his three sons: Helaman, Shiblon, and Corianton. The counsel given to faithful Helaman and Shiblon differed greatly from the counsel given to wayward Corianton. To a certain extent we determine what kind of counsel we might receive in our lives by how faithful we are to the counsel we have already been given (see Alma 12:9–11).
Alma’s conversion story provides one of the clearest examples of how we can know when we have been forgiven of our sins. Through Alma’s counsel to Shiblon, we learn the power and value of steadfastness in our lives. Finally, the poignant counsel given to Corianton teaches how serious and destructive sexual transgression is.
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