15 Chapters
Bitton, Davis | pp. ix-xliv
Baptized, Consecrated, and Sealed: The Covenantal Foundations of Mormon Religious Identity
Olsen, Steven L. | pp. 3-26
Mormon Funeral Sermons in the Nineteenth Century
Bitton, Davis | pp. 27-50
Parley P. Pratt and the Pacific Mission: Mormon Publishing in "That Very Questionable Part of the Civilized World"
Whittaker, David J. | pp. 51-84
The Rise and Decline of the LDS Indian Student Placement Program, 1947-1996
Allen, James B. | pp. 85-119
Mormon Intruders in Tonga: The Passport Act of 1922
Britsch, R. Lanier | pp. 121-148
Nephite Kingship Reconsidered
Reynolds, Noel B. | pp. 151-189
Nephi and His Asherah: A Note on 1 Nephi 11:8-23
Peterson, Daniel C. | pp. 191-243
A Singular Reading: The Maori and the Book of Mormon
Midgley, Louis C. | pp. 245-276
Pattern and Purpose of the Isaiah Commentaries in the Book of Mormon
Davis, Garold N. | pp. 277-302
Resist-Dyeing as a Possible Ancient Transoceanic Transfer
Jett, Stephen C. | pp. 307-350
Pre-Columbian American Sunflower and Maize Images in Indian Temples: Evidence of Contact between Civilizations in India and America
Johannessen, Carl L. | pp. 351-389
Doubled, Sealed, Witnessed Documents: From the Ancient World to the Book of Mormon
Welch, John W. | pp. 391-444
Festivals as Context for Exchange in the Great Basin-Columbia Plateau Region of Western North America
Janetski, Joel C. | pp. 445-478
A Bibliography of the Published and Unpublished Works of John Leon Sorenson
Whittaker, David J. | pp. 479-502