Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher: A Discourse


Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher: A Discourse

Publication Type


Year of Publication



Roberts, B.H. (Primary)

Number of Pages



The Deseret News


Salt Lake City

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Bibliographic Citation


"Tomorrow will be the one hundred and second anniversary of the birth of Joseph Smith, whom most of you here present believe was a Prophet of God. I have been invited to say something about him on this occasion. It is not at all my intention to deal with the incidents of Joseph Smith's eventful life; these are familiar to you. If I could attain the full desire of my heart, I would like to set before you somewhat the value of this man as a teacher of great truths. I desire to speak of him as a Prophet-Teacher, that is, as a Prophet acting in his capacity of Teacher, a Prophet's highest and noblest office."
United States History
Smith, Joseph, Jr.

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