The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word


The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word

Series Title

The Book of Mormon Symposium Series

Publication Type


Year of Publication



Nyman, Monte S. (Secondary), and Tate, Charles D., Jr. (Secondary)

Number of Pages



Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University


Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


Nineteen papers on a variety of topics related to the largest book in the Book of Mormon, Alma, make up this volume. These topics include the relevance of the book of Alma to our modern situation, classic discourses of Alma the Younger, the doctrinal and spiritual understanding afforded by Alma’s counsel to his son Corianton, and an enlightening look at the anti-Christ Korihor. The missionary experiences of the sons of Mosiah and Captain Moroni are also discussed. The conclusions drawn in these papers reflect the authors’ testimony of what Alma himself knew to be true: that God’s word has—and always will have—“a great tendency to lead the people to do that which [is] just.”

Table of Contents

19 Chapters

Alma (Book)

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