Jesus and the Roman Centurion (Matthew 8:5–13): A Window to Chiasmus and Apostolic Pedagogy


Jesus and the Roman Centurion (Matthew 8:5–13): A Window to Chiasmus and Apostolic Pedagogy

Book Title

Chiasmus: The State of the Art

Publication Type

Book Chapter

Year of Publication




Parry, Donald W. (Secondary), and Welch, John W. (Secondary)




BYU Studies/Book of Mormon Central


Provo, UT/Springville, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


H. Douglas Buckwalter, “Jesus and the Roman Centurion (Matthew 8:5–13): A Window to Chiasmus and Apostolic Pedagogy,” examines Matthew’s account of Jesus Christ’s interaction with the Roman centurion (Matt 8:5–13). Buckwalter finds that this account consists of a six-part chiasmus—an A-B-C-C′-B′-A′ structure—with the centurion’s “great faith” serving as the focal point. This six-part chiasmus, Buckwalter observes, is placed in the greater context of Matt 8:1–11:1, which consists of nine miracle episodes set in clearly demarcated structures, with the narrative of the centurion and his servant being the second of the nine miracles. Buckwalter concludes that his study contributes “in five ways to understanding apostolic pedagogy in relation to structured text,” namely (1) the apostle’s teachings were designed to be understood by lay persons; (2) the text’s structure was created to facilitate memorization by individuals who lacked their own personal scriptures; (3) the text’s structure was designed to provide practical lessons to its readers; (4) memorization of the apostles’ writings allowed Christians to possess God’s word in various parts of the known world where written texts were rare or even nonexistent; and (5) memorization of the text would have encouraged Christians to take God’s word “to heart” and to apply it to one’s life.

Table of Contents


Chiasmus: The State of the Art
Parry, Donald W.

17 Chapters

Parry, Donald W. | pp. 5–15
Chiasmus in the Book of Genesis
Rendsburg, Gary A. | pp. 17–34
Chiastic Structuring of the Genesis Flood Story: The Art of Using Chiasm as an Effective Compositional Tool for Combining Earlier Chiastic Narratives
Scott, Steven R. | pp. 35–65
Exegesis or Eisegesis: Does Chiastic Analysis Help Us to Understand Leviticus 20?
Burnside, Jonathan | pp. 67–84
At the Intersection of Scribal Training and Theological Profundity: Chiasm as an Editorial Technique in the Primeval History and Deuteronomy
Levinson, Bernard M. | pp. 85–16
Chiasmus in the Text of Isaiah: MT Isaiah versus the Great Isaiah Scroll
Parry, Donald W. | pp. 107–127
“With strong hand and with outstretched arm” (Deuteronomy 4:34); “With outstretched hand and with strong arm” (Jeremiah 21:5): Chiasmus in Deuteronomy and Jeremiah
Seely, David Rolph | pp. 129–150
Narrating Homicide Chiastically
Welch, John W. | pp. 151–176
Chiastic Structuring of Large Texts: 2 Nephi as a Case Study
Reynolds, Noel B. | pp. 177–192
Jesus and the Roman Centurion (Matthew 8:5–13): A Window to Chiasmus and Apostolic Pedagogy
Buckwalter, H. Douglas | pp. 193–205
Rethinking the Structure of the "Farewell Discourse" (John 13–17) through a Chiastic Lens
Brouwer, Wayne | pp. 193–205
From “Linguistic Turn” and Hebrews Scholarship to Anadiplosis Iterata: The Enigma of a Structure
Gelardini, Gabriella | pp. 231–256
Mirrored Poeticity: Chiastic Structuring in Mayan Languages
Hull, Kerry M. | pp. 257–288
Chiasmus Criteria in Review
Rappleye, Neal | pp. 289–309
Truth or Cherry Picking: A Statistical Approach to Chiastic Intentionality
Edwards, Boyd F. | pp. 311–317
The Roles of Words, Phrases, and Ideas in Macro-Chiasms
Ehat, Stephen Kent | pp. 319–342
Selected Bibliography on Chiasmus, 1980–2020
Rappleye, Neal | pp. 343–358
Jesus Christ
Mortal Ministry of

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