1842—Female Relief Society Organized in Nauvoo and Given Gift of Healing


1842—Female Relief Society Organized in Nauvoo and Given Gift of Healing

Book Title

Hard Questions in Church History: Supplementary Handouts

Publication Type

Book Chapter



Year of Publication






Book of Mormon Central


Springville, UT

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Bibliographic Citation

Table of Contents


Hard Questions in Church History: Supplementary Handouts
Wilson, Lynne Hilton

42 Chapters

Family History of Joseph Smith
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 1-8
Background to the First Vision: 1801-1840 Second Great Awakening: Revivals and Camp Meetings
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 9-15
Moroni's Visitations
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 16-27
1827-1828—Joseph Marries, Receives the Golden Plates, and Moves to Harmony, PA
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 28-34
1828-1829: The 116 Manuscript Pages—Book of Lehi
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 35-41
1829—Translation Resumes with Oliver Cowdery
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 42-49
Priesthoods Restored
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 50-58
Twelve Witnesses of the Golden Plates
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 59-65
Publication of the Book of Mormon
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 66-72
Organization of the Church of Christ (April 6, 1830)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 73-83
Emma Hale Smith (1804-1879): Family Background and First 25 Years
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 84-90
Establish a Zion People for the Lord’s Second Coming
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 91-97
Easter: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry to Resurrection
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 98-116
Calling and Departure of Four Missionaries to the Lamanites
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 117-125
Joseph Smith Translation (JST or New Translation of the Bible)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 126-132
Law of Consecration—Misunderstood
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 133-139
Spiritual Gifts and Counterfeits (D&C 46)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 140-152
Locating and Building Zion in Missouri (D&C 51-59)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 153-158
The Second Coming: The Bridegroom in the Parable of the Ten Virgins
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 159-167
Doctrine and Covenants 76
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 181-188
Revelations Received in Hiram, Ohio: John Johnson’s Home as D&C 77—The Lord’s Keys to Understanding John’s Book of Revelation
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 189-198
The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood—for Men and Women
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 199-219
School of the Prophets: Temple Preparation
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 220-227
Apocrypha & Part 2 “New Translation” or Joseph Smith Translation (JST)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 228-237
D&C 93: Worship and Temple Preparation Part 2
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 238-244
D&C 94-101, Expulsion from Jackson County Missouri June to December 1833
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 245-254
Zion’s Camp: May and June 1834
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 255-263
The Book of Abraham and The Mummies and Manuscripts
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 264-270
Kirtland Temple Dedication: A Pentecost of the Spirit
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 271-283
1837: Kirtland Safety Society & British Mission
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 284-290
1836-1838 Trials in Missouri
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 291-303
Liberty Jail and Religious Refugees
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 304-317
Apostolic Mission to Great Britain—D&C 118
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 318-333
Joseph Seeks Federal Help for Missouri Losses in Washington DC
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 335-346
1840-1842—Baptism for Dead (D&C 124, 127-128); Death of Joseph Smith Sr., Nauvoo Charter and Persecution
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 347-353
1842—Female Relief Society Organized in Nauvoo and Given Gift of Healing
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 354-365
Law of Plural Marriage: D&C 132
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 366-375
Nauvoo Temple Endowment and Anointed Quorum
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 376-383
1844: Joseph Smith Runs for President and Hyrum Smith’s Martyrdom
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 384-391
Succession, and Splinter Groups
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 392-402
The Priesthood and Race—Historical and Scriptural Analysis
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 403-416
Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2
Wilson, Lynne Hilton | pp. 417-441
Gifts of the Spirit
Relief Society
Nauvoo, IL
Gift of Healing
Smith, Emma Hale

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