Come, Follow Me Commentary: The New Testament (Second Edition)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
51 Chapters
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 1; Luke 1
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 2; Luke 2
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
John 1
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 4; Mark 1; Luke 4–5
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
John 2–4
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 5; Luke 6 (3 Nephi 12)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 6–7 (3 Nephi 13–14)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 9–10; Mark 5; Luke 9
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 11–12; Luke 11
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9; John 5–6
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 15–17; Mark 7–9; Luke 9
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 18; Luke 10: Jesus Empowers Children, Outcasts, and Women
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
John 7–10: Feasts of Tabernacles and Dedication: Jesus’s Fifth and Sixth Discourses and Sixth Miracle in John
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Luke 12–15; John 11: Jesus Leaves Galilee and Returns to Judea
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 19–20; Mark 10; Luke 18: Commitment to the Kingdom
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 21–23; Mark 11; Luke 19–20; John 12: Jesus’s Triumphal Entry & First Days in Jerusalem
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 24–25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21: Jesus’s Last Day of Public Ministry & Olivet Discourse
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 13: Jesus’s Last Supper, Part 1
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
John 14-17: Last Supper Sermon and Intercessory Prayer
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Luke 22; John 18: Jesus’s Last Night: Gethsemane, Arrest, Trials & Peter’s Denials
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19: The Passion, Death & Burial of the Messiah
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21: Jesus’s Resurrection: Sorrow Replaced by Joy
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Acts 1–5: The Church Heals, Preaches, Baptizes & Lives in Unity
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Acts 6–9: The Church Grows in the Midst of Persecution
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Acts 10–15: Revelation Leads Christianity to Expand to the Gentiles
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Acts 16–21: Paul’s Second and Third Missions
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Acts 22-28: Paul’s Last Witnesses and Roman Imprisonment
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Romans 1–6: Redemption through Jesus, Not the Law of Moses
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Romans 7–16: Christ Invites All to Become His Chosen People
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1 Corinthians 1–7: CA. Spring AD 57
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1 Corinthians 8–13: Q&A: The Corinthians’ Questions & Paul’s Answers
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1 Corinthians 14–16: The Corinthians' Questions and Paul's Answers
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
2 Corinthians 1–6: Comfort, Trials, Atonement, Faith (ca. AD 55–58)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
2 Corinthians 7–13: Repentance, Donations, Defending Authority (ca. AD 55–57)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Galatians: Paul Defends His Apostolic Call and Revelation (ca. AD 54–58)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Ephesians: Come to Christ in Worship (ca. AD 61–63)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Philippians; Colossians: Christ’s Divinity & Examples of Sacrifice (ca. AD 62)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1 & 2 Thessalonians: Encouraging Growth & Addressing Challenges (CA AD 50–51)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1 & 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon: Paul’s Prison and Pastoral Epistles
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Hebrews 1–6: Understanding the Superiority of God’s Son (ca AD 50–60)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Hebrews 7–13: The Price and Promise of the Temple
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
James: Applying the Law of the Christian Gospel
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1 and 2 Peter: Becoming More Holy (CA. AD 61-68)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1-3 John; Jude: Discipleship by Hope: Warnings and Exhortations
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Revelation 1–5: Christ’s Covenant Fulfilled
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Revelation 6-14
Wilson, Lynne Hilton