Promised Land, Concept of a

Promised Land, Concept of a
Secondary Title
Encyclopedia of Mormonism
Publication Type
Encyclopedia Entry
Year of Publication
Cole, Clarissa Katherine (Primary)
Ludlow, Daniel H. (Secondary)
Number of Pages
Place Published
New York
Citation Key
Promised Land, Concept of a
Author: Cole, Clarissa Katherine
In the Book of Mormon, the prophet Lehi spoke of a particular Promised Land as "choice above all other lands; a land which the Lord God hath covenanted with me should be a land for the inheritance of my seed" (2 Ne. 1:5). Because the earth belongs to the Lord (Ps. 24:1), those who inherit a Promised Land must covenant to "serve the God of the land," who will then keep them "free from bondage, and from captivity" (Ether 2:12); otherwise they will "be swept off" (Ether 2:10; cf. Deut. 27-28).
From the beginning, the Lord has reserved choice lands for righteous followers. They include the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve (Gen. 2:9), a "land of promise" for Enos (Moses 6:17), and Zion for Enoch and his people (Moses 7:19). Notably, God received up Zion's inhabitants (Moses 7:69), who will return to earth to the New Jerusalem during the last days (Moses 7:62-64; Rev. 21:2). Moreover, God gave the land of Canaan "unto [Abraham's] seed or an everlasting possession" if "they hearken to [God's] voice" (Abr. 2:6). This promise was partially fulfilled when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt to Canaan.
The Book of Mormon Peoples, including the family of Lehi and the Jaredites, were given a Promised Land in the hemisphere now called the Americas, on condition of keeping God's commandments (1 Ne. 2:20; Ether 1:42-43). The prophet Moroni 2 warned future inhabitants of this land: "Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ" (Ether 2:12). This admonition applies to all lands that the Lord has promised to any of his peoples.
Latter-day Zion, a "Promised Land" for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, includes the city New Jerusalem that will be built in the Americas (A of F 10) and, in another sense, the stakes of the Church in all the world. Members also believe that the New Jerusalem is where the "lost ten tribes" will first come (D&C 133:26).
Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord promised in 1831 to lead the Saints to a "land of promise" (D&C 38:18; cf. Ex. 3:8). Because of persecution by enemies and sin among Church members, Joseph Smith was unsuccessful in establishing a permanent community (D&C 101:1-8). After his death, the Saints migrated to the Rocky Mountains, "a land of peace" (D&C 136:16), and still anticipate fulfillment of the Lord's promises to open the way for building New Jerusalem in the designated place (D&C 42:9; 57:1-5; 101:9-22).
Davies, William D. "Israel, the Mormons, and the Land." In Reflections on Mormonism, ed. T. Madsen, pp. 79-87. Provo, Utah, 1978.
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