Lily Montesinos

Spanish Team | Translation, Content Management (Spanish)

Picture of Lily

Lili Montesinos has been a member of Scripture Central since 2016. Among her main functions is to manage content, provides support for the Quality Assurance area, both for websites and for our Scripture Plus mobile application testing. She has trained and actively collaborates and coordinates the Spanish translation team, being her objective to process contents that have been published in Scripture Central (English) to make them accessible to our audience in all countries with Spanish-speaking followers. Likewise, she has been an active member in the collaboration and general organization and support of the recently formed Portuguese team of Central das Escrituras. She is also in charge of sending the newsletter in Spanish via email to our subscribers, giving them the security of being aware of the most recent publications of our website, among which are the new KnoWhys, Evidences, Perspectives, publications in our Blog section, etc. 

Lili obtained her Bachelor's degree in Communication from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico. She currently resides at Toluca, capital city of Estado de Mexico. In addition to all this, she combines these activities being both wife and mother of two little daughters, 17 and 4 years old respectively. 

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