Evidence# 464 | September 25, 2024

Book of Mormon Evidence: Ancient Glass

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Scripture Central

El Señor toca las piedras como «cristal transparente». Imagen vía churchofjesuschrist.org


The book of Ether discusses sixteen small stones that were molten out of rock and compared to “transparent glass.” Glass and glasslike objects were known in a variety of locations throughout the ancient world.

Evidence Summary

In his abridgment of the Jaredite record, Moroni described how the brother of Jared “did molten out of a rock sixteen small stones; and they were white and clear, even as transparent glass” (Ether 3:1). Some have seen this reference to glass, as well as to “windows” assumed to be made of glass, as an obvious anachronism (Ether 2:23). As Origen Bachelor confidently argued in 1838, this was “ages before glass was invented.”1

Ancient Glass (Light for Barges).jpg
Glass-like stones lighted the Jaredite barges. Image via churchofjesuschrist.org. 

Scholars are currently uncertain as to when the first glass was made, but several kinds of glass were known from an early time in Egypt and Mesopotamia. “Archaeologists have found glass beads dating to as early as the third millennium BCE. Glazes based on the same materials and technology date earlier still.”2 Examples of translucent Egyptian glass dating from the Bronze Age display various colors, including red, green, yellow, and several shades of blue.3

Obsidian, a form of volcanic glass, played a crucial role in Mesoamerican ritual and economy.4 According to Helen Haines and Michael Glascock, “Obsidian is a naturally occurring glass created through pyroclastic volcanic activity.”5 Betty Meggers has noted that Ecuadorian blades made from obsidian were “as transparent as window glass.”6 Although most obsidian is a very dark color, it provides a conceptual basis for transparent or translucent stones.  

Mesoamerican cultures also valued “glass-like shards” of quartz crystal for both its practical and divinatory value.7 Some samples could easily be described as “white,” “clear,” and “transparent”—descriptors all used for the stones in the book of Ether. When speaking to Mexican informants in the sixteenth century, the Catholic historian Bernardino de Sahagún was told about crystal, which was described to him as follows: “It is translucent, very transparent, clear. It is clear, very clear, exceedingly clear.”8  

Ancient Glass (Maya Crystal 2).jpg
Maya sculpture made from a natural crystal quartz cluster mineral (AD 200-900). Image and info via artifacts-world.com.


It should be noted that Moroni did not state the brother of Jared created glass. Rather, he indicated that the stones touched by the finger of the Lord resembled glass in their clearness and transparency. Although once considered problematic by some readers, current evidence supports the conclusion that forms of glass may have been known to the Jaredites at the time they departed their homeland in ancient Mesopotamia. Moreover, stone objects which had the appearance of white or translucent glass were also known in ancient Mesoamerica from an early time.

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