BYU Studies: A Voice for the Community of LDS Scholars 20/4 (Summer 1980)


BYU Studies: A Voice for the Community of LDS Scholars 20/4 (Summer 1980)

Publication Type


Year of Publication








Brigham Young University

Place Published

Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


Learn more of the reasons for why Marsh left the church in 1838 and how he is one of the few apostates to return in Lyndon W. Cook's article entitled, "'I Have Sinned against Heaven, and Am Unworthy of Your Confidence, But I Cannot Live without a Reconciliation': Thomas B. Marsh Returns to the Church." This article's title "The Xanthines: Coffee, Cola, Cocoa, and Tea" sums up the main point. But learn how these may cause certain addictions as well as the general scientific affect they have on the body. Also read two articles on the newly found Anthon Manuscript.

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