"White" or "Pure": Five Vignettes


"White" or "Pure": Five Vignettes

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication









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Campbell weaves together historical narratives, textual analysis, and insights into the evolution of Latter-day Saint scripture, focusing on the subtle yet profound change from "white" to "pure" in the Book of Mormon. He sheds light on the contextual factors that influenced textual variations in different editions. Through a lens of printing technology advancements and meticulous proofreading processes, Campbell unveils the complexities behind the linguistic shifts in the Book of Mormon, inviting readers to contemplate the significance of these changes within the broader landscape of religious texts and interpretations. By examining these historical factors, Campbell sheds light on the complexities of religious interpretation and the evolving perspectives within the Latter-day Saint community regarding race and scripture.

1830 Book of Mormon
Skin Color
White and Delightsome
1837 Book of Mormon
1879 Book of Mormon
1840 Book of Mormon

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