Lesson 17-2: King Benjamin's Themes Related to the Day of Atonement

Lesson 17-2: King Benjamin's Themes Related to the Day of Atonement
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Welch, John W. (Primary), Welch, Greg (Primary), and Jasmin Gimenez Rappleye (Primary)
Scripture Central
Springville, UT
The Day of Atonement is one of the most sacred holidays in Jewish culture. In preexilic Israel it included ritual atonement in the temple and a series of holy assemblies. Because Benjamin’s speech in Mosiah 2–5 and its surrounding context emphasizes several topics particularly significant to this day of religious celebration, it is possible that Benjamin gave the speech on or near the Day of Atonement. In fact, he refers to Christ’s Atonement overtly seven times—a number that represented spiritual perfection and that was used in connection with rituals performed on the Day of Atonement. Each element in this chart, listed alphabetically, is found both in Israelite texts and in Benjamin’s speech.
Originally published as Chart 6-89 in Charting the Book of Mormon.
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