2 Nephi 31


2 Nephi 31

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Year of Publication



Cocco, Jorge (Primary)

Art Contest

2017 Art Contest Gallery

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This commissioned piece was a challenge to depict. Nephi has a vision where he sees the Lamb of God being baptized and the Holy Spirit bearing testimony; but in the same vision, Nephi also hears the voice of God and the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly a testament of the existence of the three divine personages. Using triangles the artist symbolizes the vision coming from on high unto Nephi's forehead and also the moment of Christ's baptism is represented inside a triangle (which also represents the Godhead).The golden plates can be appreciated, and also many symbols including the x in Nephi's clothing and to his side. The cross is also the symbol of Christianity and in other cultures such as the Egyptian it represents "life".

Jesus Christ
Nephi (Son of Lehi)

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