The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson


The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson

Publication Type


Year of Publication



Ricks, Stephen D. (Secondary), Parry, Donald W. (Secondary), and Hedges, Andrew H. (Secondary)

Number of Pages



Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies


Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


Richard Lloyd Anderson is a scholars’ scholar. Among Latter-day Saints, he is dean and master of two separate fields of academic study: the New Testament and early LDS Church history.
His passion for history has profoundly influenced his scholarly career; his passion for order and system has shaped his missionary work and directed him into studying law; and his love for Brigham Young University and loyalty to its mission and destiny have guided his academic path.
This volume, as you can see from the table of contents, contains essays written by outstanding LDS scholars on Book of Mormon Studies, Old Testament Studies and Ancient History, and New Testament Studies and Early Christian History.

Table of Contents

18 Chapters

Introduction: Richard Lloyd Anderson, An Appreciation
Ricks, Stephen D. | pp. ix-xiv
Marriage and Treaty in the Book of Mormon: The Case of the Abducted Lamanite Daughters
Brown, S. Kent | pp. 1-18
An Inscribed Chinese Gold Plate in Its Context: Glimpses of the Sacred Center
Honey, David B. | pp. 19-65
Covenant Teachings of the Book of Mormon
Ludlow, Victor L. | pp. 67-93
To Remember and Keep: On the Book of Mormon as an Ancient Book
Midgley, Louis C. | pp. 95-137
Inspired Melody and Chosen Word: The Wedding of Music and Scripture in Leroy Robertson's Oratorio from the Book of Mormon
Robertson-Wilson, Marian | pp. 139-162
Religious Groups and Movements among the Nephites, 200–1 B.C.
Sorenson, John L. | pp. 163-208
The Military Reforms of the Emperor Diocletian
Hall, John F. | pp. 209-240
The Social Context of First-Century Roman Christianity
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel | pp. 241-267
The Last Days, Then and Now
Nibley, Hugh W. | pp. 269-303
Messiah Becomes the New King: Notes on Isaiah 9:3–7
Parry, Donald W. | pp. 305-321
The Throne Theophany/Prophetic Call of Muhammad
Peterson, Daniel C. | pp. 323-337
Josephus's Portrayal of Jeremiah: A Portrait and a Self-Portrait
Seely, David Rolph | pp. 339-358
Savior, Satan, and Serpent: The Duality of a Symbol in the Scriptures
Skinner, Andrew C. | pp. 359-384
Scribes, Pharisees, Hypocrites: A Study in Hypókrisis
Draper, Richard D. | pp. 385-427
Terrena atque Caelestia: A Prolegomenon to a Study of the Fourth Gospel
Griggs, C. Wilfred | pp. 429-454
Ye Are Gods: Psalm 82 and John 10 as Witnesses to the Divine Nature of Humankind
Peterson, Daniel C. | pp. 471-594
Adam's Fall in the Book of Mormon, Second Temple Judaism, and Early Christianity
Ricks, Stephen D. | pp. 595-606

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