The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9–30, This Is My Gospel


The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9–30, This Is My Gospel

Series Title

The Book of Mormon Symposium Series

Publication Type


Year of Publication



Nyman, Monte S. (Secondary), and Tate, Charles D., Jr. (Secondary)

Number of Pages



Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University


Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


Chapters 9 through 30 of 3 Nephi are perhaps the most choice part of the entire Book of Mormon because this section chronicles the transcendent visit of the Risen Lord to the Nephite Saints, His profound teachings, and His amazing, compassionate ministry. His recorded actions and utterance during this period offer remarkable scope for a reverent and knowledgeable review such as that done by sixteen scholars in this book. The 3 Nephi text, like that of the entire Book of Mormon, is shown to be “remarkably efficient” and to give “extraordinary unity and coherence to . . . its message.”

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