Come, Follow Church History: Supplementary Handouts
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
8 Chapters
Moroni’s Visitations - Opening the Scriptural Canon: An Abrupt Departure from Nineteenth-Century American Christianity
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1828-1829: “Book of Lehi” and Lost Manuscript Pages
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
1829—Translation Resumes with Oliver Cowdery
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Restored
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Twelve Witnesses of the Golden Plates
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Title Page and Publication of the Book of Mormon
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Organization of the Church of Christ (April 6, 1830)
Wilson, Lynne Hilton
Emma Hale Smith (1804-1879): Family Background and First 25 Years
Wilson, Lynne Hilton