Marriage, the Home and the Family


Marriage, the Home and the Family

Book Title

Gospel Doctrine: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith

Publication Type

Book Chapter



Year of Publication






The Deseret News


Salt Lake City

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Items in the BMC Archive are made publicly available for non-commercial, private use. Inclusion within the BMC Archive does not imply endorsement. Items do not represent the official views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or of Book of Mormon Central.

Bibliographic Citation


Necessity of Marriage—Marriage, God-Ordained and Sanctioned—Righteousness and Necessity of Marriage—Male and Female Enter Heaven—Marriage to Replenish the Earth—Eternal Marriage—Eternity of the Family Organization—Importance of Marriage Within the Church—No Marriage in Heaven—Plural Marriage Forbidden—Further Statement—Marriage and Large Families Desirable—Be True to Your Wives and Children—Respect the Rights of Others—Mutual Treatment of Husband, Wife and Children—We Should Be Examples to Our Families—The Truest Greatness—Parents Responsible for their Children—The Father, the Presiding Authority of the Family—Duties of Fathers—Motherhood the Foundation of Home and Nation—Husband's Success Dependent Upon Wife's Fitness—Duty of Parents—Watch Your Children—Duty to Teach Children—What to Teach Your Children—What Children Should Be Taught—Training of Children at Home and in Sunday School—Teach Children the Gospel—Teach Children the Story of Jesus' Death—Wise Giving to Children—Do Not Place Children Under Pledges—Children Have Equal Rights with Elders in the House of the Lord—Don't Mortgage Your Houses—No Substitute for the Home—Worship in the Home—The Basis of a True Home—The Ideal Home—Foundation of All Good in Home—Secure Homes—Own Your Homes—Do Not Mortgage Your Homes—Evils of Mortgaging—Our First Duty to Our Household—Unchastity, a Dominant Evil—Degrees of Sexual Sin—Purity—Three Threatening Dangers—The Gospel the Greatest Thing—Duty of Husband to Wife—Wives and Husbands in Eternity—Importance of Filial Affection—Family Government by Love—The Home and the Child

Eternal Life
Scripture Study
Eternal Marriage

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