15 Chapters
John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll of Carrolton
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
*Benjamin Franklin
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
Benjamin Harrison
Joseph Hewes
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Nelson Jr
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Thomas Lynch Jr
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Philip Livingston
Thomas McKean
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Arthur Myddleton
William Chase Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caezer Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe
Lewis John Rudolph Agassis
Charles Louis Napolean Bonapart
Lord Henry Brougham
Edward George Earl Lytton Bulwer
Robert Burns
Lord George Gordon Byron
John Calwell Cahoon
Count Camillo Bonso di Cavour
Thomas Chalmers
Henry Clay
Richard Cobden
*Christopher Columbus
Daniel O Connell
John Filpot Corran
Michael Faraday
David Glascoe Farragut
David Garrick
Edward Gibbon
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Oliver Goldsmith
Henry Grattan
Washington Irving
Thomas Johnathan Jackson
Samuel Johnson
Benito Juarez
John Philip Kemple
Baron Justus von Liebig
David Livingstone
Thomas Babington Macauley
Lord Horatio Nelson
George Peobody
Frederick 2d king of Prussia
Count Demetrius Perepa
Hiram Powers
Sir Joshua Reynolds
Frederick Von Schiller
Sir Walter Scott
William Henry Seward
George Stephenson
William Makepeace Thackerey
Americus Vespucius
Frederick Henry Alexander Von Humbolt
Daniel Webster
*John Wesley
William Wordsworth
Source: Wilford Woodruffs Journal 7:367–368.
15 Chapters
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