63,991 views |September 16, 2024

3 Nephi 8–11 | September 23–29 | Scripture Study Insights | A Come Follow Me Resource

Scripture Central
Scripture Central
Join Tyler Griffin for this week's Come Follow Me Study.

Scripture Central Resource Guide for Come Follow Me: https://bookofmormoncentral.org/come-follow-me/book-of-mormon-2024

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This program is intended to be used as supplementary material to the Come, Follow Me Program by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Scripture Study Insights is a Scripture Central Production.
Host: Tyler Jay Griffin
Associate Producer and Video Editor: Avery Kirk
Executive Producer: Benjamin Tyler Griffin.
Special thanks to Tyler and Kiplin Griffin for volunteering countless hours for this series.
Thanks to the generous donors of Scripture Central.
Subtitles by Amanda Pack
Timestamps by Dino Collins
0:00 Scripture overlay - How God can build our testimonies
5:03 3 Nephi 8 - Destruction in the land
10:58 3 Nephi 9 - Christ’s voice is heard
18:41 3 Nephi 10 - Christ speaks to those in the spirit world and three days of darkness
25:53 3 Nephi 11 - The Father testifies of His Beloved Son
31:53 Jesus Christ appears and testifies
36:44 The people feel the wound marks in His hands and feet and side and cry Hosanna
44:50 Jesus gives Nephi and others authority and instructions to baptize
51:22 Jesus’ core doctrine - United Godhead and first principles of the gospel
57:38 The temple - Jesus’ arms are outstretched to each of us
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