KnoWhy #725 | April 18, 2024

Why Is Jacob’s Distinctive Voice Significant?

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Scripture Central

“Wherefore I, Jacob, gave unto them these words as I taught them in the temple, having first obtained mine errand from the Lord.” Jacob 1:17

The Know

The Book of Mormon, like the Bible, is a compendium of inspired text written by several authors over centuries. Thus, although Mormon is the primary compiler and although the book’s text was received in modern days through inspired translation, the book includes the distinct voices of dozens of individuals. Even though God spoke through all these prophets, the linguistic identities and personalities of each remain to a considerable extent intact, unique, and recognizable to readers of the Book of Mormon.1

These unique voices in the Book of Mormon have been analyzed by linguistic methods known as stylometry (also called wordprint studies).2 These same techniques have been called upon to identify unknown authors of books, letters, and other literature and even to apprehend criminals like the Unabomber.3 Stylometric studies have demonstrated that Book of Mormon was written by multiple authors who exhibit an impressive differentiation of style compared to fictional characters in nineteenth century literature.4

Various scholars, including John Hilton III and John S. Tanner, have noted that the prophet Jacob, the second author of the small plates, particularly stands out as a unique voice among Book of Mormon authors.5 Although his words account for only about 3 percent of the Book of Mormon text, Jacob is the seventh “most frequently heard voice” in the Book of Mormon.6 Particularly noteworthy are (1) his uses of God’s name, (2) his emotional language, and (3) his unique phrases.

The name Christ was revealed to Jacob by an angel, and he was thus probably intentional about his use of divine names.7 Hilton, drawing on John W. Welch, has noted some of the titles Jacob uses and emphasizes.8 Jacob uses Creator more than any author and accounts for a third of the usages of Maker. Welch suggests that Jacob’s emphasis on God’s creative role and topics of uncleanness, guilt, and robes of righteousness could be a result of his priestly involvement with the temple and its implicit Creation imagery.9 Jacob also uses the divine title Holy One of Israel more than any other Book of Mormon author, and he uses the title God instead of Lord significantly more than Nephi does.10 These patterns help distinguish Jacob’s priestly voice and show his consistency of style when compared to other authors’ writings.

Another aspect of Jacob’s voice that is apparent to the reader is his strong emotional vocabulary.11 Hilton has noted, “Jacob’s varied experiences may connect with a duality in his voice, which is stern yet tender, boldly rebuking while lovingly testifying and inviting.”12 His use of the words anxiety, delicate, contempt, dread, sobbings, grieve, and lonesome all illustrate his emotional vocabulary, as do his uses of wound, pierce, and daggers in an emotional and spiritual sense.13

The distinctiveness of Jacob’s voice can be seen in his theological discussion, as “Jacob’s writing is also consistently focused on several favorite themes.”14 His tender and stern nature comes through in this area. And beyond having favorite themes, Jacob also has favorite phrases that show up repeatedly in his writings, notably in some of his stern sayings. Jacob provides more than half of the Book of Mormon’s ten usages of fire and brimstone, half of the six usages of endless torment, and half of the six mentions of the devil’s angels.15 He uses the word awful or derivatives of it (awful consequences, awfulness of yielding, awful monster of sin and death, and especially awful guilt) thirteen of the Book of Mormon’s forty-nine times.16

Jacob’s vivid descriptors of afterlife punishment emphasize the positive importance of Christ’s Atonement and of Jacob’s desires to save others from such suffering.17 He uses the phrase beloved brethren more than the other authors, always emphasizing his love for his audience.18 Three times he uses the phrase power of the resurrection and also refers to what it cost Jesus to bring it about: His great condescensions and the shame of the cross.19 “Jacob was a powerful personal witness of the anticipated Redeemer, which was his most prominent theme.”20 Knowing of Jesus’s sacrifice for us in this light becomes pleasing, which is a word used six times by Jacob in describing the word of God and even the judgment bar of God.21


Recognizing the stylistic fingerprint of Jacob serves modern-day readers in many ways. John Hilton has observed that the consistency of Jacob’s voice is especially impressive because of the twenty-three chapters that stand between Jacob’s speech in 2 Nephi 6–10 and the beginning of the book of Jacob. These transitions of voice testify to the reality of a historical Jacob, a historical Book of Mormon, and the reality of Book of Mormon doctrine:

It is particularly noteworthy when patterns for Jacob’s words hold across his speech in 2 Nephi 6, 9–10 and the book that bears his name. Because nearly forty pages of text separate 2 Nephi 10 from Jacob 1, we might expect the text from 2 Nephi 6, 9–10 to be closer to Nephi’s voice in 2 Nephi 4–5, 11 than to the book of Jacob. However, in several instances Jacob’s distinctive voice can be heard in both pericopes, suggesting that in fact Jacob was a separate author from Nephi.22

John Tanner similarly concluded, “It is inconceivable to me that Joseph Smith could have invented such a subtle difference of style for Jacob and then remembered to use it so many chapters later as he rapidly dictated the translation.”23

Moreover, hearing Jacob’s voice also enhances the narrative richness of Jacob’s life and personality. His distinctive use of expressions “bears out the portrait of the man that emerges from the narrative. Story, style, and subject matter all reveal Jacob, Lehi’s child of tribulation, to have become a sensitive and effective poet-prophet, preacher, writer, and powerful witness of Jesus Christ.”24

It especially becomes easier for readers to see why Jacob spoke the way he did and to feel the power of what he spoke about when looking at the challenges he faced.25 Jacob was born during the wilderness travels of his family, endured abuse from his brothers while only an infant, and keenly felt his identity as an exiled Israelite. He significantly outlived his brother Nephi and had to endure and withstand the greed, lust, and anti-Christ falsehoods of the Nephites. He witnessed wars. His father Lehi aptly gave him a father’s blessing about opposition, something with which Jacob would be familiar his whole life.

Tanner has noted that “long affliction seems to have rendered Jacob all the more spiritually sensitive.”26 Yet spiritual softening through trials is by no means automatic; after the wars in Alma, “because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their afflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God” (Alma 62:41; emphasis added).

Thus, Jacob’s sensitivity may have endured because he chose to embrace it as valuable despite his sufferings rather than becoming brash or cold. He said, “It grieveth me that I must use so much boldness of speech concerning you, before your wives and your children, many of whose feelings are exceedingly tender and chaste and delicate before God, which thing is pleasing unto God” (Jacob 2:7; emphasis added). Readers today can strive to likewise remain tenderhearted despite opposition, helping themselves and those around them retain their spiritual and emotional sensitivity and never growing “past feeling” (1 Nephi 17:45; Moroni 9:20).

Jacob’s repeated expressions of his strong feelings and anxieties also help reveal the universal experience of mental health challenges.27 Even the prophet Ammon reported being depressed (Alma 26:27). Difficulties with mental and emotional health are a ubiquitous experience throughout human history, even among God’s chosen prophets.28 The emotional honesty of authors like Jacob helps us connect to them and understand them as real individuals; the emotional reality of their human experiences makes their testimony and teachings all the more powerful. C. Terry Warner said, “From what we do know [of Jacob], a picture emerges of a shepherd of his people who also loved us, the Saints of future years, and who by that love calls forth our love for him.”29 As Hilton has summarized,

Ultimately, the power of identifying Jacob’s distinctive voice may not be in its apologetic value but rather in its portrait of a faithful prophet. He knew both agony and abuse. … He knew what it was like to hurt, to pray, to work, and to heal. He knew, in part, what many of us experience today. Jacob’s voice speaks to those who have suffered and points to the Savior as the source of healing.30

Further Reading
Book of Mormon Authorship
Book of Mormon
2 Nephi

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