Evidence #72 | September 19, 2020

Book of Mormon Evidence: Jerusalem’s Elevation

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Scripture Central


Nephi’s statements about Jerusalem’s relative elevation are internally consistent. They also agree with ancient travel accounts and accurately reflect the region’s topography.

When discussing his family’s travels, Nephi repeatedly and consistently described journeys away from Jerusalem and into the wilderness as going “down” and journeys toward Jerusalem as going “up.”1 This usage accurately reflects the region’s topography, where Jerusalem (at approximately 2,500 feet above sea level) sits well above the surrounding wilderness regions.

Image via geographyeducation.org.

Nephi’s statements are also consistent with ancient accounts of travels to and from Jerusalem, including those found in the Bible (see Appendix). The prophet Isaiah, for example, mentioned that a pair of kings “went up toward Jerusalem to war against it” (Isaiah 7:1; emphasis added). And in the parable of the Good Samaritan, a “certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho” (Luke 10:30; emphasis added). Jerusalem’s prominent height fittingly symbolized its status as a holy city that housed a temple of the Lord.2 The authors of the Bible and other ancient texts therefore had good reason to draw attention to its elevation,3 just as Nephi did.

The fact that Jerusalem’s relative elevation is mentioned more than 25 times in 1 Nephi indicates that this detail was intentionally and purposefully included in the text (see Appendix). Yet there is also evidence that Joseph Smith himself wasn’t intimately familiar Jerusalem’s physical features. For instance, on one occasion while he was translating the Book of Mormon, the Prophet was surprised to discover that Jerusalem was a walled city. His lack of knowledge about this well-known fact suggests he may not have been familiar with other information about the city, such as its prominent height. Alternatively, it is much more expected that Nephi, who grew up in Jerusalem and was familiar with the surrounding regions, would so consistently draw attention to the city’s elevation.  

Further Reading
Book of Mormon

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