Evidence #84 | September 19, 2020

Book of Mormon Evidence: Editorial Promises

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Scripture Central


The Book of Mormon’s numerous editorial promises (commitments made by its authors to discuss or revisit certain topics) are consistently and accurately fulfilled.

On many occasions, Book of Mormon authors and editors informed readers that they would later discuss or revisit certain topics. For example, after recording that King Mosiah would give his sons permission to preach to the Lamanites, Mormon promised to “give an account of their proceedings hereafter” (Mosiah 28:9). Mormon fulfills this promise 18 chapters later in Alma 17–27. Such commitments, sometimes referred to as “editorial promises,” are plentifully scattered throughout the Book of Mormon.

Many of these promises are fulfilled immediately in the text. Others undergo sustained or intermittent discussion before being fulfilled. And a good number of them (more than 60) are separated from their fulfillments by at least a chapter or more of text (see appendix). These delayed fulfillments are especially notable. As explained by John A. Tvedtnes, “An author may promise in the course of writing to return to a subject later to supply further details. Actually keeping such a promise can prove difficult. Even with modern writing aids, memory can betray a person into failing to tuck in the corners of plot or information.”1

In addition, varying types of fulfillments sometimes overlap in complex ways. As demonstrated in the appendix, 1 Nephi 1 contains at least 20 editorial promises. Some of them are quickly fulfilled in the same chapter, but most are intermittently fulfilled throughout the rest of the 1 Nephi. Keeping track of so many overlapping commitments and fulfillments would be a difficult task for any author, especially throughout a lengthy text like the Book of Mormon. Yet, the book’s editorial promises are consistently and accurately fulfilled, even when they are separated from their fulfillments by large amounts of text.

Further Reading
Editorial Promises
Book of Mormon

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