July 30, 2020
Questions about the gospel? Find answers at the FairMormon Virtual Conference
Post contributed by
Jasmin Gimenez

The non-profit organization FairMormon has been the source of faithful answers to critical questions for over 20 years. Each year, FairMormon hosts an extensive conference with speakers from varied walks of life and expertise to discuss inspiring stories, challenges to faith, and new research.
While the FairMormon conference usually attracts hundreds of attendees each year, the 2020 FairMormon Conference will be a virtual event, to prevent large public gatherings. Enjoy the FairMormon Conference from anywhere in the world with live streaming on August 5-7 (Wednesday-Friday), on demand after the conference, or both!
About the Conference
The FairMormon Conference is an annual event that brings together a variety of people from a variety of areas. Each comes with a unique perspective on history, science, or theology, and all come with a desire to help discuss issues that are sometimes challenging to testimonies and faith. It is a great way to get informed. Our conference is geared toward providing information and answers needed to faithfully deal with criticisms leveled against the Church and gospel.
Each year we strive to present speakers that address wide-ranging topics. We invite you to join us for a frank, thought-provoking, faith-building, and enjoyable experience. Come see what the excitement is all about!
This year’s speakers include Tyler Griffin and Taylor Halverson, from the popular Come Follow Me Insights video series by Book of Mormon Central. Tyler Griffin will be presenting “Latter-day Lessons from Alma 30: Recognizing and Combating Anti-Christ Teachings and Tactics.” Taylor Halverson will present, “The Covenant Path in the Bible and the Book of Mormon.”
In addition to Tyler and Taylor, Andrew Knaupp, the Second Place winner of the 2018 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest, will be speaking on his new graphic novel on the First Vision: Pillar of Light. Anthony Sweat, who has collaborated with Book of Mormon Central in the past on the Art Contest and the Archive, will be presenting on challenges and perspectives of achieving historical accuracy in Latter-day Saint art.
Other presentations will cover exciting new discoveries on the Book of Abraham, the nature and history of the priesthood, the 1978 revelation on the priesthood ban, writing the new Church history Saints, the story Helen Mar Kimball, women in the church, and factors in helping members stay in the church.
To see all the speakers, presentations, and schedules, see the event page at FairMormon.
How to watch the conference
Registration will be available throughout the conference. On-demand tickets will be available after the conference as well.
There will be two types of tickets this year, both for all three days:
Live streaming: $59.95
- Watch the conference online in real time.
- View the conference on demand immediately after the conference for a year.
- Have the opportunity to submit questions to the speakers during the conference.
- Receive additional perks, such free shipping (continental U.S. only) on books purchased from the online bookstore during the three days of the conference, recorded Q&As with some of the speakers, and downloadable goodies (we’re still gathering them!).
On demand after the conference: $29.95
- View the conference on demand starting in September.
Special student and CES employee price: $15.00 for the full, live-streaming ticket. To receive this discount, purchase a student or S&I membership (no cost) and then purchase your conference ticket (be sure to be logged in).