November 2, 2018
LISTEN: A Seventy Discusses Shiblon
Post contributed by
Scripture Central
Continuing in our Improvement Era mini-series, this week we feature Elder B.H. Roberts’s article on Shiblon, one of the sons of Alma the Younger. As with his previous article, Elder Roberts again speaks to the youth and young adults of the Church.
Shiblon is not as well-remembered as his two brothers; the prophet Helaman of stripling warriors’ fame or Corianton the prodigal missionary. However, his father’s single chapter of counsel to him gives us wonderful insight into his character.
“Such as he,” writes Elder Roberts, “are the joy of parents.”
“From his youth had he served God; steady, faithful, earnest; no vanity, no folly had marred his career. He was doubtless such a son as every mother would wish her son to be; and that every father would point to as an example for his own son to follow. Such youths make the Samuels, Nathaniels, the Johns, the Nephis; and, coming to modern days, the Hyrums and Don Carlos Smiths, the Edward Partridges-Israelites, indeed, in whom is no guile! These be the righteous ones – whose prayers avail much; who move the powers of heaven to action for themselves and for their friends, because the powers of heaven are controlled and handled upon the principles of righteousness, and only upon the principles of righteousness – and by righteous men. These are the salt of the earth, and render, in a quiet way, more service to mankind than the world takes note of – blessed be the righteous men – good men!”
But, despite Shiblon’s righteousness and the trials which he had endured, Alma the Younger still had words of caution for his son.
In this episode of the Rare Possessions podcast, host Nick Galieti and BMC archivist Jared Riddick discuss their thoughts on this short article. Following that, Nick gives us a reading of the piece.
If you’re interested in reading the article, check it out on our Archive.
Listen here via SoundCloud, or with iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher.