Nephite Observance of the Performances and Ordinances of God: Pre-Exilic Israelite Religious Patterns in the Book of Mormon


Nephite Observance of the Performances and Ordinances of God: Pre-Exilic Israelite Religious Patterns in the Book of Mormon

Publication Type

Unpublished Presentation

Year of Publication



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This is a report on the discovery of major pre-exilic Israelite feasts, festivals, holy days, and related religious practices within the Book of Mormon, their implications for study of the text, insights into the continuity of religious practices from pre-exilic to modem times, and the potential contribution of the Book of Mormon to the study of pre-exilic Israelite religion.

Law of Moses
Feast of Tabernacles
Alma the Younger
Rosh Hashanah
Burnt Offerings
Nephi (Son of Lehi)
Yom Kippur

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