11 Articles
The Man Adam
Millet, Robert L.
News from Antiquity
Peterson, Daniel C.
“No Other Gods before Me”
Wilcox, S. Michael
Naaman, Baptism, and Cleansing
Anderson, Travis T.
All the Prophets Prophesied of Christ
Ogden, D. Kelly
Passover—Was It Symbolic of His Coming?
Pratt, John P.
How can we tell which scriptures can be likened to all of us and which ones cannot?
Horton, George A., Jr.
Did worthy people continue to be translated and taken up long after Enoch’s city?
Nyman, Monte S.
Was the Creation confined to six 24-hour days as we know them?
Valletta, Thomas R.
What does it mean when the Lord said he would create for Adam “an help meet for him”?
Seely, David Rolph
What do we know about the location of the Garden of Eden?
Van Orden, Bruce A.