Names of Christ in the Book of Mormon

Names of Christ in the Book of Mormon
Publication Type
Magazine Article
Year of Publication
Black, Susan Easton (Primary)
Date Published
July 1978
Issue Number
The main purpose of the Book of Mormon is to testify of Christ. There exists in the book one hundred different names and titles of Jesus, appearing an average of once every 1.7 verses in the Book of Mormon. Author includes a chart showing the average number of references to Christ per book in the Book of Mormon, and a second chart listing the one hundred different names and titles of Jesus in the book.
Names of Christ in the Book of Mormon
By Susan Ward Easton
Even statistically, he’s the dominant figure of the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon was preserved to come forth in these latter days to convince “the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God.” Its purpose is to verify the divine Sonship of the Nazarene to those who “ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ.” (Moro. 10:4.)
The divinity of Christ is proclaimed by prophets in the Book of Mormon. They had a conviction of his divinity because the Holy Ghost had revealed it unto them.
Through the instrumentality of the Holy Ghost, these prophets also knew that their writings were to bear testimony that Jesus is the Christ. This they solemnly did, more than I had ever realized. In a word-by-word study, I have found some form of the Lord’s name mentioned an average of every 1.7 verses in the Book of Mormon. (See Table 1.)
I have found that the Savior is referred to by one hundred different names—from the first reference to him as “Lord” in 1 Nephi 1:1 [1 Ne. 1:1] to the final reference to him as “the Eternal Judge” in Moroni 10:34. [Moro. 10:34] (See Table 2.) Each of the one hundred names signifies a different attribute or characteristic of the Lord and was used appropriately to convey the prophets’ recognition of who he is and what his mission represents. For example, “Savior” means that Christ came to save his people from their sins. “Holy One” signifies that he is holy and without sin, being perfect in all things. “God of the Whole Earth” reflects his universal interest in all men and their redemption. “Lord of Hosts” indicates that Christ is a God of battles. And “Lord Omnipotent” means that Christ is the Lord of all, possessing all power. The names given to our Lord take on new significance when they are approached through a thoughtful and sensitive study of their meanings. His profound character, his singular mission, and his divine relationship to man are thereby more clearly revealed.
Further understanding of man’s relationship to Christ, the central figure of the Book of Mormon, occurs through a study of the periods of apostasy, contention, and war. Fewer references to Christ are made during these periods of darkness, probably because his influence is lessened due to the unrighteous actions of man. (See Alma 50–59, for example.) During periods of peace, joy, and prosperity, which come through man’s keeping the commandments, the names of Christ are used profusely, indicating the abundant presence of his Spirit. (See 4 Ne. 1, for example.) Thus, the righteous actions of the people brought the influence and blessings of Christ among them.
Being aware of the number of references to Christ, having an understanding of the meanings for each name, and knowing when his influence can be greatest upon the earth can inspire reverential awe for our Savior. The witness of his divinity, however, must come personally to each of us—we cannot rely exclusively on the testimonies of others. The conviction that Jesus is the Christ occurs only when God, the Eternal Father, manifests the truth of it “by the power of the Holy Ghost.” (Moro. 10:4.) To the prayerful and the sincere, the Book of Mormon bears a powerful testimony that “Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God.”
Table 1: Average Number of References to Christ’s Name Per Verse of the Book of Mormon
Books | References to Christ | Number of verses per book | Average number of verses per mention of Christ’s name |
First Nephi | 474 | 618 | 1.303 |
Second Nephi | 591 | 779 | 1.318 |
Jacob | 156 | 203 | 1.301 |
Enos | 22 | 27 | 1.227 |
Jarom | 8 | 15 | 1.875 |
Omni | 20 | 30 | 1.500 |
Words of Mormon | 15 | 18 | 1.200 |
Mosiah | 492 | 785 | 1.596 |
Alma | 1,012 | 1,975 | 1.950 |
Helaman | 225 | 497 | 2.209 |
Third Nephi | 293 | 788 | 2.689 |
Fourth Nephi | 42 | 49 | 1.167 |
Mormon | 188 | 227 | 1.207 |
Ether | 220 | 433 | 1.968 |
Moroni | 166 | 163 | 1.018 |
TOTAL | 3,925 | 6,607 | |
The above figures show that some form of Christ’s name is mentioned in every 1.7 verses of the Book of Mormon. |
Table 2: Names for Jesus Christ as Found in the Book of Mormon
Names | One Specific Verse Using This Name | Total Number of Times the Name Appears |
1. Almighty | 2 Ne. 23:6 | 2 |
2. Almighty God | Jacob 2:10 | 4 |
3. Alpha and Omega | 3 Ne. 9:18 | 1 |
4. Being | Mosiah 4:19 | 5 |
5. Beloved | 2 Ne. 31:15 | 2 |
6. Beloved Son | 2 Ne. 31:11 | 3 |
7. Christ | 2 Ne. 10:3 | 312 |
8. Christ Jesus | Alma 5:44 | 1 |
9. Christ the Son | Alma 11:44 | 1 |
10. Counselor | 2 Ne. 19:6 | 1 |
11. Creator | 2 Ne. 9:5 | 7 |
12. Eternal Father | Mosiah 15:4 | 4 |
13. Eternal God | 1 Ne. 12:18 | 6 |
14. Eternal Head | Hel. 13:38 | 1 |
15. Eternal Judge | Moro. 10:34 | 1 |
16. Everlasting Father | 2 Ne. 19:6 | 3 |
17. Everlasting God | 1 Ne. 15:15 | 2 |
18. Father | Jacob 7:22 | 31 |
19. Father of heaven | 1 Ne. 22:9 | 1 |
20. Father of heaven and of earth | Hel. 14:12 | 2 |
21. Founder of Peace | Mosiah 15:18 | 1 |
22. God | 2 Ne. 1:22 | 1,351 |
23. God of Abraham | 1 Ne. 19:10 | 5 |
24. God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob | Mosiah 7:19 | 2 |
25. God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and the God of Jacob | 1 Ne. 19:10 | 1 |
26. God of Isaac | Alma 29:11 | 5 |
27. God of Israel | 1 Ne. 19:7 | 11 |
28. God of Jacob | 2 Ne. 12:3 | 6 |
29. God of miracles | 2 Ne. 27:23 | 1 |
30. God of nature | 1 Ne. 19:12 | 1 |
31. God of the whole earth | 3 Ne. 11:14 | 2 |
32. Good shepherd | Alma 5:38 | 8 |
33. Great Creator | 2 Ne. 9:5 | 2 |
34. Great Spirit | Alma 18:2 | 18 |
35. Head | Jacob 4:17 | 3 |
36. Holy Child | Moro. 8:3 | 1 |
37. Holy God | 2 Ne. 9:39 | 2 |
38. Holy Messiah | 2 Ne. 2:6 | 2 |
39. Holy One | 2 Ne. 2:10 | 8 |
40. Holy One of Israel | 1 Ne. 19:14 | 40 |
41. Holy One of Jacob | 2 Ne. 27:34 | 1 |
42. Husband | 3 Ne. 22:5 | 1 |
43. Immanuel | 2 Ne. 18:8 | 2 |
44. Jehovah | Moro. 10:34 | 1 |
45. Jesus | 2 Ne. 31:10 | 113 |
46. Jesus Christ | 2 Ne. 25:19 | 51 |
47. Keeper of the gate | 2 Ne. 9:41 | 1 |
48. King | 2 Ne. 16:5 | 4 |
49. King of heaven | 2 Ne. 10:14 | 1 |
50. Lamb | 1 Ne. 13:35 | 34 |
51. Lamb of God | 1 Ne. 10:10 | 35 |
52. Lord | 1 Ne. 10:14 | 1,350 |
53. Lord God | 2 Ne. 1:5 | 104 |
54. Lord God Almighty | 2 Ne. 9:46 | 4 |
55. Lord God Omnipotent | Mosiah 3:21 | 1 |
56. Lord God of Hosts | 2 Ne. 13:15 | 5 |
57. Lord Jehovah | 2 Ne. 22:2 | 1 |
58. Lord Jesus | Moro. 6:6 | 2 |
59. Lord Jesus Christ | Mosiah 3:12 | 14 |
60. Lord of Hosts | 1 Ne. 20:2 | 52 |
61. Lord of the Vineyard | Jacob 5:8 | 33 |
62. Lord Omnipotent | Mosiah 3:5 | 5 |
63. Maker | 2 Ne. 9:40 | 5 |
64. Man | 3 Ne. 11:8 | 1 |
65. Master | Jacob 5:4 | 7 |
66. Mediator | 2 Ne. 2:28 | 1 |
67. Messiah | 1 Ne. 1:19 | 28 |
68. Mighty God | 2 Ne. 6:17 | 3 |
69. Mighty One of Israel | 1 Ne. 22:12 | 1 |
70. Mighty One of Jacob | 1 Ne. 21:26 | 2 |
71. Most High | 2 Ne. 24:14 | 1 |
72. Most High God | Alma 26:14 | 5 |
73. Only Begotten of the Father | 2 Ne. 25:12 | 4 |
74. Only Begotten Son | Jacob 4:5 | 5 |
75. Prince of Peace | 2 Ne. 19:6 | 1 |
76. Prophet | 1 Ne. 22:20 | 6 |
77. Redeemer | 1 Ne. 10:6 | 37 |
78. Redeemer of Israel | 1 Ne. 21:7 | 1 |
79. Redeemer of the world | 1 Ne. 10:5 | 2 |
80. Rock | 1 Ne. 15:15 | 7 |
81. Savior | 2 Ne. 31:13 | 8 |
82. Savior Jesus Christ | 3 Ne. 5:20 | 2 |
83. Savior of the world | 1 Ne. 10:4 | 2 |
84. Shepherd | 1 Ne. 13:41 | 1 |
85. Son | 2 Ne. 31:13 | 44 |
86. Son of God | 1 Ne. 10:17 | 51 |
87. Son of Righteousness | Ether 9:22 | 3 |
88. Son of the Eternal Father | 1 Ne. 11:21 | 2 |
89. Son of the Everlasting God | 1 Ne. 11:32 | 1 |
90. Son of the Living God | 2 Ne. 31:16 | 4 |
91. Son of the Most High God | 1 Ne. 11:6 | 1 |
92. Stone | Jacob 4:16 | 2 |
93. Supreme Being | Alma 11:22 | 1 |
94. Supreme Creator | Alma 30:44 | 1 |
95. True and Living God | 1 Ne. 17:30 | 1 |
96. True Messiah | 2 Ne. 1:10 | 2 |
97. True Shepherd | Hel. 15:13 | 1 |
98. True Vine | 1 Ne. 15:15 | 1 |
99. Well Beloved | Hel. 5:47 | 3 |
100. Wonderful | 2 Ne. 19:6 | 1 |
TOTALS | 3,923 |
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