Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 23 (2017)


Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 23 (2017)

Publication Type


Year of Publication






The Interpreter Foundation

Place Published

Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


This is volume 23 of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including: "It Took a Village to Prepare for the Restoration," "Improvisation and Extemporaneous Change in the Book of Mormon (Part 1: Evidence of an Imperfect, Authentic, Ancient Work of Scripture)," "The Council of Fifty and Its Minutes: A Review," "Improvisation and Extemporaneous Change in the Book of Mormon (Part 2: Structural Evidences of Earlier Ancient versus Later Modern Constructions)," "Opportunity Lost," "The Song I Cannot Sing," "'Their Anger Did Increase Against Me': Nephi's Autobiographical Permutation of a Biblical Wordplay on the Name Joseph," "Scary Ghost Stories in the Light of Day," "The Great and Spacious Book of Mormon Arcade Game: More Curious Works from Book of Mormon Critics," "Experiencing Battle in the Book of Mormon," "Addressing Prickly Issues," "'This Son Shall Comfort Us': An Onomastic Tale of Two Noahs," and "The Title of Liberty and Ancient Prophecy."

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