Journal Collection
Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
8 Journal Articles
Compassion as the Heart of the Gospel
Peterson, Daniel C.
Revisiting "Sariah" at Elephantine
Rappleye, Neal
The Record of My Father
Jones, Clifford P.
The First Easter
Brown, S. Kent
The Crucifixion as a Mockery, Witness, and Warning of the Judgment
Mitton, George L.
Joseph Smith: The World’s Greatest Guesser (A Bayesian Statistical Analysis of Positive and Negative Correspondences between the Book of Mormon and The Maya)
Dale, Bruce E.
Prospering in the Land: A Comparison of Covenant Promises in Leviticus and First Nephi 2
Muhlestein, Kerry M.
A Nourishing and Accessible Read
Deane, Morgan