FARMS Review of Books 9/2 (1997)


FARMS Review of Books 9/2 (1997)

Publication Type


Year of Publication








Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies

Place Published

Provo, UT

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Bibliographic Citation


The principal purpose of the FARMS Review of Books is to help serious readers make informed choices and judgments about books published, primarily on the Book of Mormon. The evaluations are intended to encourage reliable scholarship on the Book of Mormon.

Table of Contents

Journal Collection

FARMS Review

17 Journal Articles

Editor's Introduction: Through a Glass, Darkly
Peterson, Daniel C.
H. Verlan Anderson, The Book of Mormon and the Constitution and Brad E. Hainsworth, If Men Were Angels: The Book of Mormon, Christ and the Constitution
Hancock, Ralph C.
Hoyt W. Brewster Jr., Isaiah Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon.
Thompson, John S.
Not Your Everyday Wordprint Study: Variations on a Theme
Tvedtnes, John A.
Lynn F. Price, Every Person in the Book of Mormon: A Chronological Reference and Synopsis
Hoskisson, Paul Y.
Richard Dilworth Rust, Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon
Sowell, Madison U.
Donald W. Parry, Jeanette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne, eds., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography. and A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography
Van Orden, Bruce A.
Susan Easton Black, ed., Expressions of Faith: Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars
Ryting, Howard
Terryl L. Givens, The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy
Cracroft, Richard H.
The Strength of the Mormon Position
Kramer, Neal W.
David T. Harris. Truths from the Earth vol. 2: The Story of the Creations to the Floods
Tvedtnes, John A.
Zion Building: Writing about It and Doing It
Lambert, Allen
James W. Lucas and Warner P. Woodworth, Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World.
Keith Terry and Stephen Biddulph, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection
Skin Deep
Peterson, Daniel C.
A Betrayal of Trust
Boyce, Duane
1996 Book of Mormon Bibliography
Boyce, Duane

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