BYU Studies Quarterly 57/2 (2018)


BYU Studies Quarterly 57/2 (2018)

Publication Type


Year of Publication



Welch, John W. (Secondary)






Brigham Young University

Place Published

Provo, UT

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In this issue, Jeffrey Chadwick uses historical, calendrical, archaeological, and scriptural evidence to construct a model that Lehi departed Jerusalem in 605 BC. Jennifer Champoux looks at paintings of women in the Gospels to see what message the paintings convey, specifically about Mary and Martha. David W. Smith explains the history of the council on the disposition of the tithes of the LDS Church from its inception in 1838 to the present. Frederick G. Williams shows how Portugal influenced the modern world through its exploration, technology, and spread of religion, but ultimately lost its status. Richard Holzapfel and Ronald Fox share photos of the Church's celebration of Joseph Smith's birthday centennial in 1905 in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, during a time of fierce criticism of the Church. Book reviews and poetry round out this issue. As always, BYU Studies Quarterly strives to minister to all seeking insight in Mormon history and culture.

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