Journal Collection
BYU Studies Quarterly
6 Journal Articles
A Close Look at Scriptural Teachings Regarding Jesus Feeling Our Pains as Part of His Atonement
Woodward, Scott
The Place—or the Tribe—Called Nahom? NHM as Both a Tribal and Geographic Name in Modern and Ancient Yemen
Rappleye, Neal
“Show Them unto No Man”: Part 2. The Book of Moses and the Early Jewish Christian Esoteric Tradition
Bickmore, Barry R.
“The Gospel of Intelligence and Culture”: Literature and Literary Instruction in the Twentieth-Century MIA Curriculum
Austin, Michael
Review of Vengeance Is Mine: The Mountain Meadows Massacre and Its Aftermath by Richard E. Turley, Jr. and Barbara Jones Brown
Jackson, Kent P.
Review of Documents, 1 January–15 May 1844, Vol. 14 of the Documents series of the Joseph Smith Papers
Bennett, Richard E.