BYU Studies 50/3 (2011)


BYU Studies 50/3 (2011)

Publication Type


Year of Publication



Welch, John W. (Secondary)






Brigham Young University

Place Published

Provo, UT

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BYU Studies vol. 50, no. 3, features a variety of articles, documents, and reviews. Former BYU academic vice president John Tanner leads off this issue with a paper he presented at an Oxford University symposium celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. "The King James Bible in America: Pilgrim, Prophet, President, Preacher" explores the influence of the KJB in the lives of John Winthrop, Joseph Smith, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King. Following a long tradition of printing the Maeser Faculty Lecture, BYU Studies presents John Welch's address given in 2011, "Thy Mind, O Man, Must Stretch," which focuses on the mission of BYU and all pursuit of knowledge. In his address, Welch quotes Stephen Webb, professor of religion and philosophy at Wabash College, who discovered Joseph Smith while researching "an obscure heretical position on the nature of Jesus Christ." We are pleased, therefore, to include in this issue of BYU Studies an excerpt from Webb's forthcoming book, Jesus Christ, Eternal God: Heavenly Flesh and the Metaphysics of Matter. This excerpt, from a chapter titled "Godbodied: The Matter of the Latter-day Saints," is a fascinating look at LDS theology through the eyes of a non-LDS admirer of Joseph Smith.
This issue also features three document articles. Mark Staker and LaJean Carruth introduce a transcript of John Taylor's June 1854 account of the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. This account, which contains details not found in other reports of the Martyrdom, was recorded by George D. Watt in Pitman shorthand, and Carruth's transcription represents the first published record of this important address. Mitchell Schaefer and Sherilyn Farnes present twenty affidavits of consecration in Nauvoo, which call for a reexamination of the common belief that the Saints did not live the law of consecration in Nauvoo. Rachel Cope presents selected letters of John B. Fairbanks from Paris, 1890 to 1892, as he served a mission to learn the art of painting. Fairbanks later helped create the murals in the Salt Lake Temple.
Finally, this issue includes reviews of books on the King James Bible, the Book of Mormon, American Christianity, Nauvoo Polygamy, and Mormons in East Germany, as well as two award-winning poems.

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